Ape Tit for $400

I think Rob liefeld learned anatomy from that roo

the Neo Nazis / Alt right did not win the election, they are a very small minority that are taking credit for the win. Calling all people who voted for trump Neo Nazis will just get trump another 4 years

Please and bullshit. Maybe you had that sort of experience but it aint universal as you said. I moved to and lived in the suburbs with my single mother and low income. We are latino and when i moved there neither of us spoke a bit of english. Lo and behold we found it to be a peaceful and welcoming place to live with

suffered from the same problems - ignorance, racism, intolerance, vicious rumors and gossip, and fear.

Loyal to Trump but failed to properly indict Clinton when there’s plenty of irrefutable facts? Seems a bit biased and most importantly, factually incorrect.

“Don’t give Jesus a power you wouldn’t want Satan to have.”

This is nothing compared to what’s been passed this week over in the UK with VERY LITTLE resistance.

Except this was passed by Obama. Its Obama that has invaded your privacy the last 8 years.


When it became public knowledge that the current administration knew of and supported (to this day still supports) spying on Americans using unconstitutional general warrants, so many around these parts said “I’ve got nothing to hide”

Oh, and Trump is going to have a great time going after everyone he hates.

Too bad we don’t have a liberal president in office who can stop this with an executive order. Wait... Never mind.

Soo the truth bothers you? Because Hillary literally did all those things before she was even in the office and democrats did nothing but defend her. But now it’s unconscionable ? Lol

self-reinforcing sharing

You mean like having his housekeeper print off classifed documents. Or using your charity foundation to accept donations as payola for weapons deals that transfer arms to terrorists?

Try setting your cruise control on a road that has hills. As the grade increases, cruise control will apply throttle, raising the RPM until the PCM tells the transmission to downshift.

because he’s an insufferable know-it-all.

And also because they may not exist.

It is every upper-class person, man or woman, black or white, who feels like the rules don’t apply to them.

She’s not talking about being a little “overweight.” She’s talking about the roughly obese.

I hate this whole "Sorry, not sorry," "non-apology" crap on the internet. If someone has an opinion, and someone else on the internet disagrees (someone always disagrees, the internet is a big place full of opinionated people, and they all think they're right) they think they deserve an apology. The honest response