Yeah but still
Yeah but still
My guess is it just slipped his mind that he needed to pay extra attention at that location.
While I’m sure that there are conditions which need fixing at Tesla, the unionization of Tesla would be the end of Tesla. So chose your priorities carefully.
The anti-fascists use fascist tactics to fight fascism.
If context doesn’t matter here, then it is exactly as legitimate for the NY Times to run a headline saying “Deadspin encourages readers to watch chants of the N-word”.
Yup. That word belongs to one group of people, full stop.
Oh no no, see, they were “Chanting the N-word”. Didn’t you see it?
If a song had the word kike repeated over and over, you’d be ok repeating it?
Then argue that radio/tv/spotify/etc needs to stop playing this music as well or you don’t really care.
They shouldn’t have to be contrite. If you accept this song being out in the popular culture, then you accept the populace singing it. That’s how popular music works.
Incredibly misleading headline. You’d think it was a KKK rally...nope, just some girls singing along to a popular song.
Does anyone else who grew up in the 80's and 90's remember feeling like a lot of cartoons and sitcoms would do the same episode that another show had done?
While incidents like this certainly don’t make autonomous driving research any easier, I have a hard time believing that the long term strategy of the companies invested in this technology is predicated on “As long as there are never any accidents ever”.
Of course, as a % of vehicles on the road, the stats instantly look worse for self-driving vehicles now than for those driven by humans. That’s a bit of a statistical anomaly, though - similar to how the gun lobby wants us to believe Norway is much deadlier for mass shootings than the US, but if you took out that…
You sound sane.
Strongly disagree. Show your work.
Right. Which is why anyone involved in firearms education will tell you the names of multiple safe companies off the tops of their heads, or if you can’t afford that, tell you how to use a trigger lock.
Fuck guns and fuck the NRA and fuck anyone who supports the NRA.