Ape Tit for $400

I can assure you that anyone who isn’t super into video games gives zero flying fucks what kind of controller is pictured.

It’s true. Had there only been more guns in the house, this whole horrible tragedy might have been averted.

Unless it was a Power Glove. In which case, he was probably just trying to check his inventory or something when it shot her.

That video is about as accurate as portlandia: 75% or so. For some reason they left out the rednecks.

I really love the girl saying “FACTS!” when it’s suggested that Michael Jackson couldn’t make it today because he’s black.

You would think, based on the arguments I’m seeing here and in that video, that America doesn’t want “black music” from “real” black people.

If all production went to a single grade would that not bring down prices overall?

That’s a lot of ass variety.

At what point in history were Teen Drivers a big part of Cadillac’s target market?

I don’t think the game of “White people who kill black people and black people who kill white people needs to be balanced” goes the way you think it does.

The only way those are getting shipped to China is for scrap.

Your horsepower is actually measured in Shetland ponies, so the difference is greater than in appears on paper.

When your door chime mod costs more than the blue book value of the car.

If it doesn’t already, Tesla can probably put that in an update tomorrow.

The Feel The Bern end of the spectrum forgot to cheer for this. I guess policies are only good based on which personality cult they are attached to.

From the people who brought you “George W is mentally disabled, and also he pulled off the biggest conspiracy in American history”.

My guess? This news depresses property values in the areas either end of the tunnel. TrumpOrg coincidentally picks up some key properties in those areas. President* Drumpf abruptly changes course and backs the tunnel, stoking his own ego by listing off imaginary people who ‘begged’ him. Property values rise. Profit!

Are you an expert construction estimator? How would you possibly have any clue what a project like this would cost, whether in NYC or wherever you call home?

Yeah this makes no sense to me. Is this just because EVERYTHING in NY costs more? This seems pretty sketchy.

From the people who brought you the $10 billion bus station.