Ape Tit for $400

This classic Liefeld drawing raises the point that this article goes too easy on him. He didn’t just have a questionable sense of style....he was seriously unskilled in basic drawing technique. His stuff was constantly sloppy and full of mistakes (group action shots where the number of limbs didn’t match up to the

My guess is it just slipped his mind that he needed to pay extra attention at that location.

While I’m sure that there are conditions which need fixing at Tesla, the unionization of Tesla would be the end of Tesla. So chose your priorities carefully.

The anti-fascists use fascist tactics to fight fascism.

Pretty soon, I hope you realize the fact that you see rules and law as existing or not existing whether or not you like the person being discussed is a big reason why Donald Trump is the President.

You know what’s funny but not funny? The Root is a full-blast racist website, and is treated respectfully by this community.

If context doesn’t matter here, then it is exactly as legitimate for the NY Times to run a headline saying “Deadspin encourages readers to watch chants of the N-word”.

Yup. That word belongs to one group of people, full stop.

Oh no no, see, they were “Chanting the N-word”. Didn’t you see it?

If a song had the word kike repeated over and over, you’d be ok repeating it?

Then argue that radio/tv/spotify/etc needs to stop playing this music as well or you don’t really care.

They shouldn’t have to be contrite. If you accept this song being out in the popular culture, then you accept the populace singing it. That’s how popular music works.

Incredibly misleading headline. You’d think it was a KKK rally...nope, just some girls singing along to a popular song.

Does anyone else who grew up in the 80's and 90's remember feeling like a lot of cartoons and sitcoms would do the same episode that another show had done?

Someone doesn’t know about S.H.I.E.L.D.

“White anemone tears as diver in Wakanda-themed wetsuit scrapes colonizers off the hull of ship”

Leaving the boats untouched if the alternative is to turn skulls into drinking cups is one thing, but I think if you were to ask the average American sailor circa 1942 if he would like his body to be left in the mud off an island he can’t pronounce, or respectfully recovered to be buried at Arlington, I’d have to

Exactly. The debate isn’t between doing a perfect archaeological examination now or having to wait to do the same study. The clock is ticking.

I can respect the fact that the archaeologists want to preserve the knowledge contained in the wrecks, but something like the DeBraak seems like a total loss of perspective. The archaeologists were furious that some of the items fell out of the ship and into the water, but 100% of those items would be sitting in the

Rainforests went through much warmer and much colder periods, and they’re still here. Is it good science to ask why this is the case?