Ape Tit for $400

Also, the reason no one was talking about this in 2012 is that any allegation regarding Obama’s use of data possibly being something that Facebook wouldn’t have allowed only came to the surface just now.

Honestly, you should have concerns with how much data the Obama campaign was able to access and use in 2012, especially about the friends of people who signed up for the app.

So why should I care about this? Because they went around FB’s rules? Not because they did something that was so immoral compared to what the Obama campaign also did?

Why wouldn’t you take her account at face value, besides it’s inconvenient? It’s not exactly something that’s in her favor to lie about.

Like I said, you’ll day ot doesn’t count because it wasn’t “rules” it was “Wouldn’t have allowed”.


I don’t know if this applies here, but I think there used to be a rat/mouse poison which targeted the system for regulating vitamin D in rodent metabolisms, which was apparently pretty specific to those animals.

This time around, Gizomodo did a much better job on the explanation of mining

They’re trying to find any differences, and pretend that those are the only things which matter. Obama’s group took data from people who did not give permission (friends of the participants). Obama’s group was given access to data counter to Facebook rules because they were Obama’s group, ACCORDING TO HIS OWN

“Wait a second. A campaign collected the name, age and HOME ADDRESSES of people who donated to their campaign? Get the fuck out of here! (And back to 1952 when that might have shocked someone).”

How do you know?

Obama’s campaign showed names, ages, and HOME ADDRESSES of donors to anyone who used the app. It included data on your friends without their permission.

Feel The Bern

How about this? Do we investigate this now? Or that doesn’t count because....well, you know why.

I don’t know anyone that thinks Ol’ Bill’s behavior was cute and funny. Troll harder you damn dirty ape.

We decided in the 90's that inappropriate sexual behavior from the President was cute and funny. Maybe you could talk about these things if the Dem candidate wasn’t the person who, more than any other, ran interference and enabled those behaviors. But no, you picked the last person on earth (well, second to last) who

And what information did Hillary’s campaign get from GOOGLE STAFF LITERALLY WORKING FOR HER?

Did your mommy not love you? Why so rude? Why the foul language, internet tough guy?

One more question, and I hope it’s nuanced enough for you: Did Hillary’s campaign do something similar? Is anyone in the media asking that question? Does it matter to you?