Ape Tit for $400

Well, you’re an idiot.

I’m not arguing that you can’t make a case under the law as written. I’m saying that the law as written is going to have to adjust to technological reality. Blockchains will not be un-invented now, so they’re going to have to get with the program and figure out other ways to approach this.

And you couldn’t even comprehend why it’s not straightforward to condemn or support this absent the context of how these things have been run outside of this specific incident.

But just as the postal service isn’t opening and scanning everyone’s mail, the blockchain isn’t de-coding every piece of information to see if someone is including porn.

Blockchain technology is not going away.

“There’s a reason Twitter has suspended alt-right racists”

Looking at it this way requires either ignorance or deliberate distortion of the difference though. Blockchains are built the way they are built for a very specific and important reason, while that newsletter doesn’t have to send those photos.

Then let’s try this analogy: Someone puts such porn on a billboard, and puts barbed wire or other traps around the base to make removing it difficult. This makes the news. While they are disarming the traps, can we arrest every driver who uses the highway where the billboard stands even though they knew what was on

But how would this be different from arresting a mailman driving a truck for “Transporting child pornography” in one of the envelopes? He’s just driving the truck. He didn’t know or care about every piece of data in the back.

Obama campaigned in a foreign country, and you thought this was cool. Can you IMAGINE if Trump had held a rally in another country? You’d be arguing that it was “proof” he was a Russian agent.


If you’re going to say that “The Blockchain” stores these links, could you not equally validly say that “The web” or “The internet” does the same? If Bitcoin has to be forced to shut down over this, shouldn’t everything else as well?

You completely zoomed over the point and right back into what-about land.

“because Democrat” that’s really all you’ve got isn’t it

You’re conveniently skipping over the part of the article where Obama’s team got inappropriately detailed information from FB, but they FLAT OUT TOLD THEM THAT THEY’D LET THEM GET AWAY WITH IT BECAUSE POLITICAL TEAMS.

It’s a chunk of Alderaan.

Facebook thought it was wrong, and let them do it because Democrat. So off the high horse now, thanks.

And then they lied about destroying the data

You don’t care about anything but winning and being validated. It’s not about right and wrong, it’s about beating the “other”.

Typical conservative, never taking responsibility for your own failure but always projecting on someone else. Seek mental therapy help.