Ape Tit for $400

All you have is “We can always get away with it, but you should be held accountable”.

Yes, let’s pretend that collecting data and using it for targeted marketing is not a thing Facebook does 24/7.

This is like arguing “Well, Obama’s team wore blue shirts when they collected the data and Trump’s wore red”.

You’re complicit. You’re probably a Russian agent who supported Obama in 2012 because you were afraid Romney was on to you (Look, I can do it too!):

Russia Russia Russia!

Seriously? The important distinction is not the collection and dissemination of personal data, but the fact that they used a survey?

You’re not against what happened. You like it when it gives advantage to your team. You’re only pretending to be against it now because its convenient from a partisan angle.

If you’re going to act outraged about this case, point me to where you were outraged about this:

While incidents like this certainly don’t make autonomous driving research any easier, I have a hard time believing that the long term strategy of the companies invested in this technology is predicated on “As long as there are never any accidents ever”.

Of course, as a % of vehicles on the road, the stats instantly look worse for self-driving vehicles now than for those driven by humans. That’s a bit of a statistical anomaly, though - similar to how the gun lobby wants us to believe Norway is much deadlier for mass shootings than the US, but if you took out that

There are other sides to that argument.

You sound sane.

Strongly disagree. Show your work.

Right. Which is why anyone involved in firearms education will tell you the names of multiple safe companies off the tops of their heads, or if you can’t afford that, tell you how to use a trigger lock.

Fuck guns and fuck the NRA and fuck anyone who supports the NRA.

I can assure you that anyone who isn’t super into video games gives zero flying fucks what kind of controller is pictured.

It’s true. Had there only been more guns in the house, this whole horrible tragedy might have been averted.

Unless it was a Power Glove. In which case, he was probably just trying to check his inventory or something when it shot her.