Ape Tit for $400

Obama thought he was doing something wrong when Lynch met with Bill on the plane and they only talked about their grandkids (followed by forcing all present to sign gag orders)? Because I’ve never heard that from his side. I’ve only heard that everything is fine and there’s nothing to see here.

Calling it “Trumps law enforcement” (I assume that’s what you meant) is exactly how Trump sees it - the AG is his attorney, the FBI works for him etc etc,

The Holdo Maneuver is just the Picard Maneuver with a bad woman driver.

Isn’t that a Steelhead in the picture up top?

Well... Wouldn’t say never. You know, the Nazis did it. So, Oklahoma Republicans are like Nazis.

There are a lot of legitimate questions about the death penalty, but you’re framing this as if it’s “The state killing people just because”.

I choose execution by marijuana overdose.

Even if they put plastic everywhere some minimum wage schmuck still has to clean that up.

The fact that we are squeamish about firing squads when it comes to this shows how much we like to lie to ourselves about the nature of violence and what we are really doing.

That video is about as accurate as portlandia: 75% or so. For some reason they left out the rednecks.

Yes, seriously. People ignore warnings all the time. Some very white men warned about the real estate crash of 2008 and the dangers of credit default swaps. They were ignored. Another white man warned about Bernie Madoff, and was ignored. One of the lead scientists at Theranos (a white Englishman) killed himself over

Well then you might as well fine her cat for $1 Trillion and pretend that’s a victory.

She hasn’t escaped jail time. This is just one part of the fallout. There is more to come.

This is a good point which is largely being ignored in the comments.

I fail to see what any of this has to do with race.

Does anyone know of a good article covering how much she actually has left, personally? Sure, I’d like the fine to be worse than what she took, but maybe $500,000 really is all they can get out of her.

In Other News, President Trump has just appointed Elizabeth Holmes to head the SEC.

It’s necessary to ask here if the board members knew any of this, or if she was just feeding them a bunch of bullshit. If she was falsifying technical data and presenting it to the board, I’m not sure you can blame them for not knowing. I’d have to hear the specifics.

Um, Elizabeth Holmes was also appointed an Ambassador for Global Entrepreneurship, by President Obama. She was the host of a fundraiser for Hillary Clinton. Bill Clinton’s Secretary of Defence, Bill Perry was also on the board of the company. I am sure not mentioning this and only mentioning Holmes’ Republican

It is over. People get bigger penalties stealing $10,000 from a bank with a note. White rich trash do this and defraud millions and get a fucking slap on the wrist.