Ape Tit for $400

I mentioned this in my comment above, but I think we need to know if she has anything left. If she’s unemployable with a $500,000 fine and fuckloads of unpayable personal debt, I can tolerate that a lot better than if she has a $15 million estate that’s all paid off and can be liquidated to pay this with little

And pre-emptively fuck whatever publisher is going to give her a book deal to tell her story when this is over.

I’m curious as to some of her personal financial details. Did her wealth all go poof when Theranos’ scam was revealed? If so, does that $500,000 fine represent a real stretch for her? Or does she have millions in cash and non-Theranos assets, making the $500,000 a pittance? Because if it’s the latter, fuck that.

I really love the girl saying “FACTS!” when it’s suggested that Michael Jackson couldn’t make it today because he’s black.

You would think, based on the arguments I’m seeing here and in that video, that America doesn’t want “black music” from “real” black people.

If Hillary had been elected, we would have known something was up when the Clinton Foundation started getting donations in Gold Pressed Latinum.

If all production went to a single grade would that not bring down prices overall?

That’s a lot of ass variety.

At what point in history were Teen Drivers a big part of Cadillac’s target market?

I don’t think the game of “White people who kill black people and black people who kill white people needs to be balanced” goes the way you think it does.

Which was?

More like an assassination with collateral damage.

Sure... let me know how that works against a high powered drone knocking at your door.

I thought their go to excuse was something about wild boar populations roaming the halls of elementary schools...

Mocking the “hearing protection” thing shows that you don’t know enough to comment on this. It really is for hearing protection. The little “pew pew” sound silencers give you in movies is not real.

So my understanding (also a gun layperson) is that semi-automatics are still one trigger pull = one shot, and bump stocks allow you to just hold down the trigger and mow people down.

You should be commended for asking about facts when you don’t know them.

But the law stipulates that if you have a 10 round magazine you’re only allowed to load 7 bullets in it.

We need laws that, at the very least, make it so you can’t have a weapon that is both semi-auto and magazine fed.

As long was we are on this topic, who did the Las Vegas killer send all that money to in the Philippines?