Ape Tit for $400

First of all, you used the term “gun worshippers”, so you’re already ridiculous. Consider yourself a “wannabe Nazi Brownshirt who favors confiscating the public’s right to fight back” if we are going to a play that stupid game. Or, we could not play that game. Your call.

The only way those are getting shipped to China is for scrap.

Your horsepower is actually measured in Shetland ponies, so the difference is greater than in appears on paper.

Besides, “You fucking moron”, my point was that Gizmodo will decry Russia using “fake news”/clickbaity shit LITERALLY YESTERDAY and then post fake clickbaity shit today.

Please read the article I linked and we can discuss.


Then go to the magazine’s site yourself and read it

Ask yourself if there are any valuable points in this piece and report back.

Your “quotations” are all “things I never said”. Maybe it’s you who isn’t the native English speaker.

Everyone laughed but you.

Then why are you here, dummy?

No, it’s fucking moronic to run articles about clickbait headlines and fake news while running an article like this.

No, it was SQUASHED!! SQUASHED!!!!

You could say this about anything discussed on the internet. Literally anything.

When your door chime mod costs more than the blue book value of the car.

If it doesn’t already, Tesla can probably put that in an update tomorrow.

You still can’t tell me what they said. And I will not accept that they waged the most effective ad campaign in history if you can’t even begin to tell me what they said. They sure didn’t get you...but they got everyone else, with that stuff they said...which know, like, stuff.

This is revisionist history. The movements within the US which were supported by the USSR were not generally called out for being so at the time, at least not by mainstream media. In fact, those who correctly did so were roundly mocked.

The argument is that somehow the facts as they were couldn’t have led to the outcome, it must have been lame Russian trolls.

Thanks for proving the point, dipshit. You can’t describe the ads, which you nevertheless assert were the most effective advertising in history.