Ape Tit for $400

That was different. That was when the CLINTON White House complained. So that counts. This doesn’t.

You didn’t address a single point. If you believe that what was, in effect, the most impactful advertising campaign in political history was just run, tell me what those ads were. You should know them by heart.

No. I simply refuse to believe that the most powerful ad campaign in human history is something you can’t even describe to me. What was the ad which swayed millions of voters?

The Feel The Bern end of the spectrum forgot to cheer for this. I guess policies are only good based on which personality cult they are attached to.

This is my biggest problem with the whole “fake news” thing since the election. Everyone is acting like it’s a new thing for Russia (or any country, for that matter) to try to influence our internal politics. Russia has been doing this forever, and the people who are outraged by it now didn’t give two shits when it

Monkey smuggling is Bitcoin’s killer app

I’m going to posit that there isn’t going to be “panic” as fraudsters are cracked down upon, as most people who are in blockchain for legitimate reasons understood that this was coming, and is desirable to help move things forward.

From the people who brought you “George W is mentally disabled, and also he pulled off the biggest conspiracy in American history”.

My guess? This news depresses property values in the areas either end of the tunnel. TrumpOrg coincidentally picks up some key properties in those areas. President* Drumpf abruptly changes course and backs the tunnel, stoking his own ego by listing off imaginary people who ‘begged’ him. Property values rise. Profit!

Are you an expert construction estimator? How would you possibly have any clue what a project like this would cost, whether in NYC or wherever you call home?

Yeah this makes no sense to me. Is this just because EVERYTHING in NY costs more? This seems pretty sketchy.

From the people who brought you the $10 billion bus station.

Not at all. I’m asking for a consistent principle.

But in the context of the shootings that has people talking about the AR-15, it’s probably not a thing, right?

I don’t think what you are describing is common with the AR-15 firing 5.56/.223 at anything close to the ranges we are talking in these high profile (and indoor) cases.

Completely missing the point. If the principle is “Show pictures of the bodies of violence victims”, then let’s do that. Not “It’s good to do that when it makes my point, but we shouldn’t do that when it’s a topic I’m not riled up about”.

The ammunition it fires is like a fart in a windstorm. The rounds move fast, but they have very little mass, and do not penetrate very far relative to just about every other goddamned round available in walmart.

“Real hunters don’t need....”

You know damn well what I mean. If it leaves an exit wound large enough to obliterate an entire quadrant of a human torso, then that is something no civilian should ever own. There is zero need for that, ever. Hunting is pointless if all the meat ends up as paint on trees suddenly peppered with bone dust. Real

But your grandfather’s much more powerful deer hunting rifle is ok because it’s not black.