Ape Tit for $400

Losing your calf by getting shot point-blank isn’t exactly some special superpower of 5.56.

Its about time people started printing out big posters of gunshot wounds and trotting them at intersections and around gun shops like they do abortion photos.

Marco is certainly more spot-on than MSNBC anchor Lawrence O’Donnell who claimed that pistols weren’t a suitable defense against rifles as “a bullet fired from an AR-15 travels 3x faster than one from a handgun

The biggest issue is not HOW they are shot, but WHY they are shot.

Explain what you mean by “tumbling”.

Isn’t this “tumbling” thing an urban legend? The 5.56 is rifled, so it spins like almost all ammunition. What do you mean by “tumble”?

Cool. As long as it’s ok to publish similar images of crime victims in places where they were not allowed to carry arms to defend themselves.

The gun violence toll in the inner cities is far, far more than the high profile school shootings.

*are* performed, not “are not”

Getting people to drink something they aren’t used to drinking is unreasonably difficult. The worst that can happen is they don’t like something you just gave them for free, but they’ll act like you’re asking them to pay upfront for a new house sight-unseen.

I love Amari, and think it’s great to try and bring something different.

How about if those bodies are from the “sensible” gun-law paradises of Baltimore, DC, LA, and Chicago? Since that’s where most of it happens.

You have internet access, why don’t you google it? Why should I do your work for you? If you want to know something, look it up

DoD spending dwarfs the rest of the budget? Discretionary spending, which includes DoD, is 30% of total budget. Of the 30% discretionary, military is 54%. That makes spending then 16.2% of the total budget.

That’s the problem with most of these types. If you want to argue specific wastefulness, of course. There are tons of legitimate examples. But when you start drilling down, you discover that they are really just opposed to the military in general, and many of them live in this fantasy world where we could just disband

Yep, Ben and Jerry are a noted hippies and general anti-corporation types that sold their company to a global conglomerate for $326mn.

Maybe someone should drive a dumptruck of human shit around town so people know what it will smell like if any more hippies move in.

So if someone sat on the sidewalk outside your house with an airhorn, you’d argue that it was protected by the 1st Amendment?

I lived in the path of the Base/Burlington Airport and the only time it was really loud was first thing in the morning (8:30-9am). The rest of the time while I was going about my day never noticed it.

Could you present some evidence for this?