Ape Tit for $400

Who would insert something as large as a camera in a pregnant womb? If a knitting needle cause an abortion, what do you think a camera would do?

Just make sure the graphic images you use aren’t of people with brown skin, otherwise the attendees of these rallies will probably start jerking off to them.

I can not....just absolutely can not...understand this impulse among people who don’t know technical aspects of firearms to make declarations about the technical aspects of firearms over and over and over again.

Exactly. If anyone reading this has ever said something like “I have no problem with a deer rifle, but don’t think you should own something as powerful as an AR-15”, please learn about guns before offering your opinions about guns.

I lean towards this view. It’s not THAT big of a deal, and has nowhere near the health consequences that past equivalents (cigarettes and chewing tobacco) had.


The money-to-funny ratio on that one was....something special.

I would assume Bernie supporters would love this, as protectionism for favored labor unions is great when someone they like does it.

DS9 didn’t start out highly serialized, but became that way after a few seasons, long before streaming as we know it existed.

*sensible chuckle*

You seem like a sane person.

Hi, Splinternews. Threskos feels it’s ok to make violent threats against me because he doesn’t like my politics. Is that cool in this forum?

I always wonder if they and CNN realize that one day Trump will be gone, but they will have totally destroyed their credibility forever.

Oh, threats are cool here?

Your use of the words “entitlement programs” reveals that you have little to no conception of the subject.

Except it wouldn’t do any of those things - because the Republicans would not spend one penny of that money on any of those things.

honestly it FEELS true.

How is that any different to conservatives jacking off every time Kelly Anne Conway goes on the air?

Ah, the old “Fake but accurate”.

“Can you hear me saying this?”