Ape Tit for $400

And I pointed out that if it was unconstitutional, it would have been struck down by now.

Nope. The only issue is what the law says and whether or not that law is Constitutionally valid. “But he’s rich!” has a whopping zero percent to do with it.

The more I think about this article, the more I wonder if the Root supports “Africans are mindless idiots who will fuck themselves over on the whims of a white man”, because that’s what it’s saying.

But this is also why the “Haha, see, crypto is shit” argument falls flat here. Such a huge chunk of ICOs (especially in places like China) were just deliberate scams. To point to those and say “See, crypto doesn’t work” or something less polite completely misses the fact that those weren’t SUPPOSED TO “work”, any more

Lotta smoke from the straw men being burnt in this thread.

That isn’t even close to being a competent analogy. Are you just being knowingly dense?

If you think I’m so clueless, why don’t you explain to me how you expect to be able to print money out of nothing, hm? *rolleyes*

If I remember correctly, we said goodbye to a ton of me-too also-ran internet stocks in 2000. It was a bloodbath, dwarfing this by orders of magnitude. What a stupid industry of scammers that only idiots would want to buy into (looks at 2018 Alphabet, Apple, Amazon....).

I am personally SHOCKED that there are people out there willing to make unsubstantiated claims in order to enrich themselves! I assumed everyone always told the truth!

African countries have no agency. They were forced to fuck themselves because Trump wasn’t nice to them. What other choice did they have? Well, they could have kept going after their terrorists, but Trump was mean to them, so really, they HAD to stop. Because Africans can’t make their own decisions I guess.

Or maybe they are missing because African countries decided not to handle their shit, and now this is what happens.

Site that publishes eleventy billion “Dear Wypipo” articles doesn’t like when slurs are used.

“The flaw with our perfect system is that it doesn’t work with actual humans”.

Seriously. Someone said a bad word, so let’s kill 100 million people. 


The NRA should drop the airlines. How many people have they killed by putting planes in the hands of terrorists?

Why do you hate strong women?

You just did the thing.

But buying an island doesn’t solve his issue. Shipwreck survivors would still legally be allowed to wash up on his island’s beaches!

So...the public can hang out on the portion of the beach that only appears during low tide?