Ape Tit for $400

“Obama isn’t the president” is just the perfect cop-out. You get to pretend you care about Russian, but also totally ignore “Tell Vladimir I’ll have more flexibility after the election” because it came from your favorite president. How perfect.

“I would like to have seen Wakanda”

Wow, you’re so fragile that you wrote that.

The word is Tovarich

See. You’re a Russian bot.

No thanks. I’ll take a full FBI investigation of everything he’s ever done, with lots of uncorroborated leaks and innuendo for several years, all the while CNN reporting it like it’s a done deal.  

Show me the investigation you called for when Obama said something which seemed to be colluding with Putin.

So you’re saying Obama should be in jail?

You aren’t accumulating indulgence points or whatever it is you think you’re doing by grandstanding on this.

“Here is some more shit you were fine with until now, but need to get offended about”

“Whataboutism” is another way of saying “We’re going to talk about it when politicians I don’t like do something, but shut up when it’s politicians I do like”.

When Obama mocked Russia as a threat and then said to tell Vlad he’d have more flexibility after the election, is that

I ask again, is it time to look into similar interference during Obama’s election? Or does that not get to count because you like him?

Except this indictment made it clear that there wasn’t collusion. Russians said shit. Yeah, they always do that. Should we maybe see who they pushed when President “The 1980's called/Tell Vladimir I’ll have more flexibility after the election” was running against Romney? If you found out they posted some shit on

100% That scene was just a toy commercial. “Each guard has it’s own special weapon! Collect them all, 47 year old nerds!”.

Dear Riffknight Piypo,

“Chads and Beckys”

James Bond could also be a black man. However, I don’t think that Batman could be black. At least, not with keeping with the original origin. His story is inherently a white American story. He was born into ancestral wealth. His father was born wealthy, like Rockefellar wealthy. Ancestral wealth in America that goes

The age thing isn’t just about the action scenes. It’s more about each new Bond being essentially a re-boot of Bond, as being Bond is a young-ish man’s game, and there’s always this hidden threat that 007's aren’t supposed to last very long. The most recent cycle had a very strong emphasis on that, with the last movie