Ape Tit for $400

Yeah, I’m not some insecure chump like yourself, reliant on internet fandom and approval.

No. Nazi dink.

Trolls like you who mass-respond to entire threads don’t deserve or truly desire thoughtful debate, but nice try. We both know you’ve never changed your mind about anything.

You just macro-agressed me with your mega-butthurt.

So you’re saying the supposed white supremacists who have all of this power are just doing a really bad job of shutting the site down?

Why is it racist to ask people to stop writing racist articles?

Make an argument. Give reasons. Show that you’re capable of that.

If this were a white supremacist country, this site wouldn’t be allowed to exist.

Again, I’m white and you are an absolute embarrassment. Black people hear all the fucking time that they are worthless and too sensitive and should lighten up.

Non weirdly fragile folks of whatever color, culture or ethnicity should just should just enjoy the movie, unless prohibited by content.

They’ve fetishized all races for one reason or another.

Silence cracker, no one cares about your bland and tasteless tears.

What exactly are you trying to accomplish here? Seriously asking. Are you a Russian bot trying to polarize our electorate,

Here’s the thing: If you endorse this identity politics view of setting everyone against everyone, then please don’t act like it’s out of bounds when white people go hard under those rules.

Your argument is that it’s ok for you to be racist because racism exists.

Christ you’re so fuckin fragile you’ve broken into a thousand stupid fragile comments

As a white dude, two of my favorite and entirely accurate things to say in response to something terrible or stupid is either: Fuck white people, or men are shit.

I’m as white as they come, and I can confirm: white people are EXTREMELY fragile cowards for the most part. Toughen up, you big whiny baby.

As a whiteperson, your whiny rant proves the very point that Wypipo are fragile. Jesus, what an embarrassment.

Here’s some advice: Maybe a “diversity initiative” should be just creating a good black character and people saying “I like this, and recommend you give it a read”.