Ape Tit for $400

I’m white, dipshit.

This guy is so NOT MAD he has to write three times what you did to show you how NOT MAD he is.

No U

Wypipo are fragile.

1) I like Elba, but he’s too old to start a new Bond cycle at this point.

Good news, guys. The fact that fundamentalist Muslims go around destroying historical images doesn’t count because some Muslims don’t.

What if Napoleon had had a B-52 at Waterloo?

The Root is a terrorist organization.

Again, unless you’re being paid for this, your life must be really awful

The Clinton Foundation has nothing to do with anything we’re discussing but good for you for trying to change the subject. Masterful arguments, my man

It got huge in the 80's and then went away. Somehow they’ve come back recently, from new parents who were the babies last time around.

Is “cops golf” a thing anymore than anyone else golfs? I don’t think that’s a thing.

This is possibly the only bumper sticker I’ll approve

I’d rather see a Deadhead sticker on a Cadillac than an environmental sticker on an ancient VW bus.

I always laugh when I see a Japanese car with a big American flag sticker stuck to the quarter panel.

Except saving turtles is objectively good. The others are not.

Oh...i feel a uranium one coming...

And the Clinton Foundation didn’t have contacts with Russian agents?

According to Grassley, you mother fucking moron douchebag (because that’s apparently what we are doing now), Comey himself said that the FISA warrant wouldn’t have been approved without Steele dossier.

And there was nothing to that allegation at all, which is why the Clinton Global Initiative suddenly had to close up shop about ten seconds after Hillary lost.