Ape Tit for $400

Many of these “Warmest year” articles also fail to mention that the “warmest” claim is WELL within the margin of error. Like, many times over. But that doesn’t read as well as “This winter might possibly have been warmer than last year by a thousandth of a degree, but then again it might have been colder”.

Read some of this. Might you be able to find some errors? Perhaps. But you can’t “deny” that there are many, many claims about climate change that, not very long ago, you would have been called a “denier” for challenging, and yet did not come true. But science said so!

Sorry, but every time there is an above-average heat wave, I hear “See, global warming!”, and then the same people scream “Idiots, weather is not climate!” when you get a cold snap.

And all those stupid GOP people will be like: “See global warming is a myth because it’s so cold out!”

Well, in a last second entry, we have a winner for 2017's biggest bunch of “Let’s take a few words someone said and extrapolate it into a whole bunch of shit they didn’t say”.

Well, in a last second entry, we have a winner for 2017's biggest bunch of “Let’s take a few words someone said and extrapolate it into a whole bunch of shit they didn’t say”.

The scene was meant to parallel WW2 bombing runs. Slow bombers with big payloads protected by small, fast fighters.

I’m all for nit-picking, but this one doesn’t seem like that big of a deal. We’ve never seen a ship in Star Wars that didn’t have some sort of artificial gravity, so why can’t that be both what is propelling the bombs out of the Rebel ship, and drawing them towards the First Order one? They were “above” it, after all.

Wait...the source for this is named “Ren Klyce?” I’m calling bullshit. Was “Solo Hansel” already taken?

The “Look on the bright side” advice is crazy.

“They’re anti-fascists,”

Try to imagine someone coming on this site and saying “Well, you know, it was only the one time someone got run over at an alt-right rally, so really....”

If some alt-right citronella group members smashed a guy’s head with a U-lock, I’m betting that would count a lot harder around these parts than Antifa doing it.

Part of what made the Phasma showdown suffer was the lack of drama from Phasma hardly being a character at all. Phasma is a picture we saw of shiny Stormtrooper armor and BARELY anything else. I’m sure Gwendolyn of Tarth is a nice person and we all wanted to love what she was doing, but Phasma is a chrome Stormtrooper

It’s Arnold. The absurd U-Boat watch gives it away.

It’s not The Hall Of Presidents I Like.

No UUUUUUUUU are dum.

You are confused because you didn’t read my comments. This was all explained in the prequels yes, but none of it was explained in the original trilogy. My point is people are saying we didn’t learn about Snoke’s background, where he was the prior X years, etc. and my comment is we didn’t know that about the

We have no idea how Vader was “seduced by the Dark Side.”

In fairness, the rule of two had always been fucked around with a bit. You had Sidious/Maul/Dooku all existing at the same time, for instance.