Ape Tit for $400

I love this. A bunch of empathetic emoting and gnashing of teeth will score you some virtue points with the people who track that, but who would you rather have in that situation? Someone who writes a song about the injustice of it and cries on national television, or someone who says “Really, that’s a problem? Ok,

Rey’s parents being nobodies is not a relief. If that is the true story (and I’m not sure yet that it is), then the answer to the question of “Why was Rey somehow already a half-trained Jedi in The Force Awakens?” is “Shut up”. Unacceptable.

There are supposed to be only two Sith; a master and an apprentice. Palpatine and Vader died vitually simultaneously on the 2nd Death Star.

I live at Subaru ground zero (Portland Oregon) and people will do backflips to get their hands on a bigger Subaru. They love to talk a good “Mother Earth” game but are really all about bigger fancier cars.

Oh man, fair, but as a Colorado resident who regularly deals with schizophrenic weather, mountain, and city snow-driving, the clearance and utility of something like this would be amazing for an active family.

“As something other than”. As in: usd is used for other things in addition to.

In the case of these houses, they probably are insurable against fire. Which leads to this question: should we re-think how much in public funds is spent protecting insured homes from fire damage in these areas? Should the emergency services be used to make sure people are evacuated and lives are not lost, but not be

This is the opposite of what happened here, I think. All of the extra rain they got awhile back promoted growth of grasses and brush. Then, when LA got dry again, because LA is actually a desert, that stuff dried out. It’s not climate change that LA has dryness problems. It’s people pretending that LA shouldn’t have

I’ve never heard of a single Bitcoin proponent who wishes anyone to be forced to use it.

The point isn’t that anywhere is perfectly safe, the point is that if the risk is so high that you can’t be insured, then you either assume the risk or don’t build there. You shouldn’t get to pawn it off on everyone else, not in spite of, but BECAUSE OF the fact that it’s a bad gamble.

But that’s the point: For security purposes, you should consider your cryptocurrency as cash. If someone steals your crypto wallet, you are in the same position as you are should someone steal the wallet in your pocket. That cash is gone.

Both of these things are correct. We need to cancel Federal programs which rebuild peoples’ beach houses in hurricane zones. If you want a house on the beach, it’s not every other taxpayer’s problem to absorb the negative things which come along with that. Band with your neighbors to create an insurance pool, and if

I asked my brother about this just now. He returned yesterday from fighting the Creek fire to see his child born and will be on his way to fight the Thomas fire tomorrow. He suggested that it may be ecologically sound to do without fire retardent, let the fires burn Southern California to the ground then the

Wonder how long it would take them to kangaroo jump the 22 miles back.

What’s the difference between Social Security and the scheme Madoff ran?

It’s a good thing US dollars aren’t used to buy drugs and hookers.

When people grab your US dollar wallet, you can just call an 800 number and get that money back, right?

Well you didn’t say it would be used for those things, you said it wouldn’t be used for anything BUT those things. And you’re wrong.

You’re thinking of Buttcoin

Mt. Gox was likely an inside job, done in the days before Bitcoin was really taken seriously on this level. Coinbase is not invulnerable, but it’s not going to be a Mt. Gox situation.