Ape Tit for $400

The “we can talk about this when it’s fixed” idea sounds nice, until you really think about what that means. We are supposed to not talk about why PR’s infrastructure was so bad until the people who maybe had a lot to do with why it’s so bad have finished with their plan to rebuild it?

My point is, sure, question this contract, but if you REALLY care, then question the fact that PR is run by favors and bribes on a larger scale. Question why things were that bad to begin with. Question the decisions they are going to make in the next few months or years that matter whether or not you can stick them

“Then Michael Brown was shot in the street in the summer of 2014, and my world shattered. On social media, I watched Brown be tried and convicted in the minds of so many, before he was even laid to rest. I heard the opinions of many fellow congregants, quick to criminalize a black boy and beatify the police officer

“Not sure the right thing has happened here...even if once again this administration has been made to look bad.”

And one would assume that the Whitefish project would be soon transmitting far more power than Solyndra ever did.

“Ah yes, the media conspiracy theories. Keep on trolling”

Am I the first commenter to make a “White Walker” joke?

Who knows what finally convinced Bloom to quit

Looking forward to the next time a Muslim attacks and you publish “Here’s every member of Congress who opposed Trump’s travel ban”.

Yes. The NRA strongly supports mishandling of guns and firing blindly at innocent people’s homes. And you’re not a moron.

Some day, I hope we can read an article by a N.Korean diplomat describing what it was like to live in NYC and have to go back to N.Korea, knowing the truth. Even the most loyal have to realize that all of Manhattan isn’t a trick put on for their benefit, the way Pyongyang is with its stores where no one can shop.

How many gawker-verse headlines have gleefully used the term “white” as a perjorative in the past year alone?

Irrelevant to ask this question. What’s important is Trump Trump Trumpity Trump Trump! I mean, the fact that you even asked if the regulation really is worth it proves you are a Nazi and should be beaten.

Modern firearms instruction does not (as a general rule; I’m sure someone will point out an exception) teach that you should carry un-chambered. It’s not “extreme gun nuts”; it’s pretty much everyone.

Many common guns (the very common Glocks, for example) do not have what people who aren’t familiar with firearms would consider a safety. They don’t have some sort of button which “locks” the gun. Rather, the mechanisms of the gun are designed so that there is no way the gun will fire if dropped, bumped, etc., but it

Israelis, correct me if I am wrong:

Yeah, the scare italics around “chambered” are nonsense. Most people carry chambered. The gun isn’t going to fire unless you pull the trigger. Now, if you have a gun jostling around loose in a bag without a holster, I supposed “chambered” would be more dangerous, but that seems like focusing on the wrong thing here.

It’s like when Trebek acts like he knows the answers on Jeopardy.

Fair to say that there is a different expectation as to where Tesla is trying to end up reliability-wise vs Alfa?

I prefer the ones shaped like the old clock tower being hit by lightning in 1955.