Ape Tit for $400

The rule that wiping your servers is fine.

So you just like it when the Federal government uses its power to harass groups not on your side.
Noted. That’s why I hope it happens the other way around, and I’ll refuse to give a shit about it.

Do we care about wiped servers, or do we not?

At the time of the rescue, they claimed that the pumps had failed and the ship was 24 hours from sinking. So...

I know. Her emails, right? Sorry, but facts inconvenient to your political team don’t automatically become un-facts.

But at the time they were rescued, they said the ship was 24 hours from sinking. Both of those claims can’t be true.

Agreed. They in no way resembled anyone else I’ve ever seen in that situation. They (and the dogs) looked well fed and healthy.

What changed? Well, I was told that wiping servers didn’t count.

The party in power not using the Federal Government to persecute the opposition is also a major tentpole of our democracy. But I’m betting you didn’t give a fuck when the Obama administration flushed that down the toilet to a degree which would make Nixon blush.

“Whataboutism”: The theory that rules which applied from 2008-2016 are still the rules even though the parties have changed.

You’re talking to yourself! I’m rubber you’re glue!

The fact that someone might have to google that name tells you all you need to know about the politics of the media.

Oh we care about wiped servers now? So Lois Lerner faces trial when again?

The “we can talk about this when it’s fixed” idea sounds nice, until you really think about what that means. We are supposed to not talk about why PR’s infrastructure was so bad until the people who maybe had a lot to do with why it’s so bad have finished with their plan to rebuild it?

My point is, sure, question this contract, but if you REALLY care, then question the fact that PR is run by favors and bribes on a larger scale. Question why things were that bad to begin with. Question the decisions they are going to make in the next few months or years that matter whether or not you can stick them

“Then Michael Brown was shot in the street in the summer of 2014, and my world shattered. On social media, I watched Brown be tried and convicted in the minds of so many, before he was even laid to rest. I heard the opinions of many fellow congregants, quick to criminalize a black boy and beatify the police officer

“Not sure the right thing has happened here...even if once again this administration has been made to look bad.”

And one would assume that the Whitefish project would be soon transmitting far more power than Solyndra ever did.

At least they did touch on the idea that there was going to be some PTSD over the Locutus incident. The Hugh episode handled it 10000 times better than the movie, of course.

I get that he isn’t just going to ditch his life as a Starfleet Captain because that’s not the show. But if it were made today, I think we’d at least get some jokes from time to time about how archeologists who want to study the region never stop calling him with questions.