Ape Tit for $400

Inner Light is a good example of something that they should have gone back to, besides “Watch me play this flute”.

The would drop references to getting approval to exceed the warp 5 restrictions all the time, but nobody really wanted that.

I think this would be a good time to let readers under 30 who are going back to catch up on DS9 know: No, the ever increasing presence of Vic Fontaine was not something that made more sense in the TV of the 90’s.

The original Borg encounter made it very clear that without Q intervention, the Borg were far, far away from Federation space. They didn’t introduce them and ignore them; they built in the idea that it was going to take them awhile to get back to an area where Enterprise D would interact.

Maybe they could build the HQ in my backyard and just build it 3 miles high. I’ll submit my proposal immediately.

“Ah yes, the media conspiracy theories. Keep on trolling”

Am I the first commenter to make a “White Walker” joke?

Who knows what finally convinced Bloom to quit

For someone so arrogant, you’re kind of an idiot. You REPEATEDLY asserted that Powell used a private server. I showed you that he didn’t. And your answer was basically “Well that doesn’t count”. You’re a joke.

Dunning Krueger YOU

Powell did not use a private server.

“You aren’t interested in holding anyone on your side accountable which is why you’re being laughed out the door like the clown you are.”

You can’t punish Kushner if he used a private server. He didn’t intend to. Even if he obviously went out of his way to do it, there was no intent.

Powell didn’t use a private server and permanently erase tens of thousands of emails.

“ “gets to do it”? Hilary lost the election, and all the noise about her emails was a big part of it.”

Looking forward to the next time a Muslim attacks and you publish “Here’s every member of Congress who opposed Trump’s travel ban”.

I should have known a Hillary supporter would be shameless, remorseless, and unconscionable.

“thats because rules only apply to democrats”

Still using this excuse? The emails deleted by the Bush White House were subsequently recovered (because they weren’t on a server in his bathroom in Texas) and were GOP party business, not official government business.

Kushner didn’t use his own server, so it’s actually apples and oranges. His emails are recoverable and not under his control.