Ape Tit for $400

If you don’t know anyone who didn’t/wouldn’t express that it was wrong for Hillary to do it, I envy you. The amount of denials, follwed by lies, transforming to justifications, eventually resting at dismissals I heard were legion.

Ha. You know I’m right so you tweak.

Ask yourself if this applies:

You seem stable.

Yes. The NRA strongly supports mishandling of guns and firing blindly at innocent people’s homes. And you’re not a moron.

“Russian Troll.”

Venn diagram of people freaking out about this and people who defended the Obama’s using Air Force One to swing up to Manhattan for a dinner reservation and back after dessert.

The amount of “maybe” in the body of the article sure as hell is not reflected in the headline.

Some day, I hope we can read an article by a N.Korean diplomat describing what it was like to live in NYC and have to go back to N.Korea, knowing the truth. Even the most loyal have to realize that all of Manhattan isn’t a trick put on for their benefit, the way Pyongyang is with its stores where no one can shop.

“Jesus, you are fucking dumb.”

Gizmodo writers are ignorant about those yucky people who don’t live in cities.

Who are three people who have never been in my kitchen?

“The Russians didn’t murder six million Jews and thousands of others, including gay people and Catholics. I think you’re safe.”

Racist article granting certain races of salmon positions of supremacy and privilege over others. Why can’t the Atlantic salmon immigrate? You mourn the collapse of the wall built to hold them in.

OMG! It’s him! It’s him!

The 1980's called. They want their foreign policy back. [Social media erupts in cheers over my #sickburn].

There was. The plan all along was what you saw. We know for a fact that Night King has Greensight powers or something which can interact with Greensight powers, so he has been waiting for Dany.

My question isn’t how the wind turbines would help, but how many of them (and how large) would they have to be to make a realistic difference?

Today records matter. A month ago, when we were in a record low period for hurricanes, that didn’t matter.

“Its worth noting that if we had a large enough off-shore wind farm near the coast, it would take a category or two from the storm as it moved over. However, it wouldn’t be able to harvest much energy as there is a limit to how much energy the turbines can take in.”