Ape Tit for $400

California is a state for rich liberals and their servant class. If you’re not going to be the former, you’re going to be the latter. Move out if you can.

nobody told the two cafeteria workers that they needed to have three children.

Thats pretty much the current GOP mindset - fuck everyone else so long as I get something good.

Isn’t ISIS just what Middle Eastern Bros do instead of this? It’s not like they’re appalled by this behavior; they just want to kick it up ten levels.

“Correction: the whole reason we posted this story turned out to be fake news, which we could have easily checked before publishing it, but fuck that, it confirms out biases, so we ran with it until we got called out.”

Of course you put Trump in the picture.

“Everyone who disagrees with me is a Russian spy”

If this were Bill Clinton, you’d be going “Ohh that Bill, such a scamp!”. If it were Ted Kennedy, “Haha Teddy boy loves the ladies”. If it were some awkward Biden grope “That’s just Joe being Joe!”.

I don’t think this article is directed at “enthusiasts”. One would hope someone calling them a car enthusiast wouldn’t need to be told that the higher octane number isn’t “The good stuff” or somehow better gas. It’s shocking how many people think that, though. As if battery size indicated whether they were “the good

“Attempted to influence” is something that many countries, including the US, do on a regular basis. But we can’t acknowledge that or the President Hillary fantasy universe will finally die.

No it isn’t “a fact”. They hacked DNC emails because John Podesta’s password was Password.

Everyone who disagrees with you is a Russian spy. You aren’t crazy.

As an unenthusiastic Hillary voter, I couldn’t agree more. Trump is utterly incompetent. If Kasich were sitting in the WH right now, I’d be thinking, well, at least he knows what the fuck he is doing and isn’t embarrassing the fuck out of us every single goddamn day.

I’m fine with Buffet driving a Beatle and living in a shack if he wants, but when he gets touted as an authority on what tax rates should be paid by people making 1/1000th of what he makes as if he’s one of them, it’s obnoxious.

Well, those guys aren’t interested in cars, probably don’t drive themselves half the time, and at their level, the part of the brain that tells mortals to signal that you’re well-off just isn’t operative anymore. If there are any real benefits to signaling (which there may be), those men have long since passed the

The North Korean court system is based on Cardassia Prime’s, so good luck with that.

Wow who could have guessed that yesterday’s freakout over this would turn out to be fake news?

Yeah that’s the joke.

If that’s the case, I’ll probably just Amazon one immediately. (The Koch Bros. own a FUCKTON of paper companies in the US. Paper towels, toilet paper... like 80% of it is them.)

I thought that this was common knowledge. Some guys are wall punchers. It’s not because they missed the other person.