Ape Tit for $400

Language control? HAHAHA are you kidding me? That’s like 99% of what the Left is these days.

Wow, I can’t think of anyone on the other side of the aisle who fits these.

But I honestly don’t know how a normal person ends up living on a commune as part of a cult. Like I try to think of what would have to happen for me to end up in that situation, and I can’t think of any possible scenario.

But, you probably don’t believe in making sure that people get fed, so I won’t waste my breath.

Well, the headline of this article supports a philosophy of the government being a gangster-ish force which takes from people not on its “team” and hands out the spoils to supporters. And it acts like that’s a good thing, because Trump is trying to do less of it.

“Taking their money”= cutting back on the handouts.

Here’s why dentists hate whales....

I blame Microsoft. They’ve made a career out of foisting unready beta crap on the public.

There is a serious public safety issue with letting humans drive their own cars, which is why liability insurance is mandatory for all drivers.

Hasn’t the auto pilot been shown to have an accident-per-mile rate far, far below that of human operated cars? And if so, isn’t it just counter-factual scaremongering to act like they’re putting some dangerous thing out there? If anything, those of us NOT using autopilot are the ones putting people at higher risk.

Good reporting guys. Democracy Dies In Darkness.

And did jackbooted government thugs come round you up? Did they use illegal (in their own country, by their own definition) surveillance techniques to track you down? And what were you doing in Bangkok, anyway?

This is why, on a certain level, I am enjoying the Trump administration. Not because I expect to get much that I like out of it, but because people are losing their minds over things they excused repeatedly again and again when it was their favorite president. But if course, it’s always different when the guy they

*Sarcasm Font*

Where can kids get guns made out of chicken nuggets? Because they suspended a WHITE KID (OOOOOOOHHHHH) over that.

The point is that the pistol in that example is ACTUALLY as harmless as a paperweight, but people would worry because of what it LOOKS like.

I remember during the “expensive gas crisis” of 2008 or so, I saw a chart explaining how the government’s cut of every gallon of gas was WAY more than the oil company’s profit. Yet somehow the oil companies are price gouging monsters and the government just can’t manage to get by without yet again jacking up taxes.

Not to mention all of the money that was given for “Shovel Ready Jobs”.

Like father, like son. Like father in law, like son in law. Like incestuous family activity, like beard for incestuous family activity.

I can take a picture of a pistol with the barrel removed right now that anyone with a decent knowledge of firearms could tell you wasn’t able to fire just by inspecting the photo. But the rest of you would go “That’s a gun” the second you saw it, and probably not ever notice anything was amiss until I pointed it out.