Ape Tit for $400

Glad to hear you say that. But we both know that if it had been Trump’s emails instead of the Democratic Party’s, we would be hearing about the content of the emails 100 times more than the fact that they were hacked.

Where do I pick up my rubles?

Yeah, YOU!

I’m sorry, Podesta obviously had really great security. Which is why we were told his leaked emails were nothing until the day after the election, when they were everything.

Did he tell his advisor that his password was 123Password?

Democracy Dies in Darkness.

So if Trump people do it, they’re idiots. If Podesta does it, how dare someone hack him and this is a threat to our democracy.

Oh, so she only comitted SOME felonies that should land her behind bars. Just not as many as reported.

So if forcing them to change plans at greatly increased expense is ok, why the fuck did we need the ACA in the first place? All the sob stories about the people who didn’t have coverage never concluded with “But a huge percentage of that are people who could just suck it up and go buy some insurance.”

So you get to be the self-appointed arbiter if their plan is good or not? Complete bullshit. A lot of those people have good plans that they liked. And the way that the corridors were written, there were plenty of plans that were better than some of the permissible plans which got canceled, because it did not happen

“People losing their plans is only a problem if it happens under Trump, but not under Obama.”

So global warming brought back the beach?

Hi, FBI. You might want to ask Chaos-Cascade what he is advocating.

No conservative commentator I can think of believes Trump to be a fiscal conservative.



When he hits 333 rounds, I’ll start caring.

I don’t like that Trump can use his role to jack up the fees at his resorts, but...

These fiscal conservatives sure to do spend a lot.

Don’t forget about his children all receive Secret Service details. His two sons went South America or something and cost the tax payers millions.