Ape Tit for $400

Here’s my issue with the “It’s a higher rate!” argument:

I’d bet those numbers are subject to 40 kinds of fuckery. An obvious one being that people used to complain about Bush being “On vacation” at his ranch, when he was having meetings with world leaders. Like the building the meeting is held in means it doesn’t count.

What does it say about former pres Obama that used one jet to fly the first lady and family out to Hawaii a few hours before the pres himself? Michelle couldn’t wait to fly with her husband? And this scenario played out a number of times over 8 years.

Is Trump actually billing staff at his properties as if they were private citizens staying their on vacation? I understand the opposition to this as a potential problem, but I’m not sure that it is actually happening.

It’s high time we designate a Presidential vacation budget. Give them a set amount, they use it as they see fit. No bullshit like taking 1 meeting while on vacation and label it a “meeting” Just a simple, “You have $15m/year for personal vacations and 4 weekend trips to Camp David, enjoy”.

This reminds me of when people talked about the hypocrisy of Obama bashing executives flying their private jets, but then taking Air Force One out for a spin from DC to NYC just for dinner. Or Flotus taking her own rides on it when her vacation schedule didn’t match up with his.

Red October would be a perfect source for this. “Left Flank, 90 degrees” and such.

“Healthcare did not exist until Barack Obama. Science proves it, and if you disagree you are a denier”

When you say “Help others”, why do you get to ignore all of the people who lost the coverage they liked because of ACA? But people who oppose the ACA don’t get to ignore those who could lose covearage under their plan?

Now please run some articles about the many, many people who were promised they could keep their plans under ACA but lost them, and now regret supporting it.

Looking forward to this headling any day now:

Ok. I either missed it or it didn’t show up that way on my phone. Will look later.

No I’m not saying it isn’t possible, or implying it didn’t happen. I just didn’t understand why the linked article didn’t show before and after shots. Seemed strange.

“Climate change, a libtard conspiracy designed to explain inconvenient truths”

Obamacare is Romney’s fault, guys.

Rates went up at a greatly accelerated rate after ACA. If you expect us to believe that this was a wild conincidence, pull the other leg.

Exactly. Did you guys run this headline when the ACA kicked millions off of their plans? No, right? Well then fuck you.

Obamacare used rising rates as a justification for why it needed to exist. It then forced rates to rise at a massively accelerated rate. But that was ok because it was Obamacare.

“It’s unfair that women pay higher rates”

Example #49473263848584 of “Things that were ok when Obama did it but not ok if Republicans do it.”