Ape Tit for $400

Man, what’s the world coming to when you can’t even lose your mind on PCP, stop your running car in the middle of the road, wander around the road, and disobey orders not to go near your car when the cops show up without getting hurt?

Cool. Now apply that logic to what is happening in Scandanavia and immigration policy.

I’ve never been part of the “You’re a cuck!” brigade and never will be. I don’t even like Trump.

I wish all of their writers would get over trying to show everyone how WokeAF they are. It’s fucking cringe-y at this point.

If they keep this shit up, I’ll vote for Sean Hannity in 2024.

They’re stalking him in an attempt to make him look bad. Spoiler: He’s not the one who comes out looking bad.

Now do Michelle’s vacation costs vs Laura Bush. Or Michelle’s staff costs vs Laura Bush.

Bush played 26 rounds, and you made a huge deal of it.

No, those books should NEVER be adapted. They are a fucking mess on their own. I think it’s pretty well accepted that Herbert had lost his mind and the later books were thrown together from his notes. They’re nonsensical....skipping thousands of years between chapters for stories that don’t end; they simply stop.

I wonder if he turns a blind eye to the atrocities his Islamic faith has and still commits to woman and innocent civilians day in and day out?

This should be an HBO series. First episdoe to air after the GOT finale.

Great, now make it apply to the Senate as well. And create a legal requirement for the President to state whether he concurs that the cited articles apply in the case of a particular piece of legislation before he signs it.

A much better route to take is what Ron Paul frequently submitted, which is a rule that any piece of legislation must indicate the article of the Constitution from which it draws its authority and power. Of course, they never would pass that.

On the one hand, I like the idea that pushing an unconstitutional law gets you perma-banned from office, but imagine what that would do to the Supreme Court process. There are too many people as it is who treat the court not as an arbiter of what is Constitutional, but as an extra avenue to Get What I Want.

Once in awhile you hear about people taken hostage because they were hiking in Afghanistan or something insane-sounding like that.

Just like the international stats, there is the question of relevance to the individual. Are those people getting killed just minding their own business, or because they are in a gang, or something in between?

I think the point is that there is a difference between going somewhere to snorkel and getting killed for your wallet vs going somewhere to buy 5 kilos of cocaine and getting killed for your briefcase full of cash.

Hillarious that I’ve spent my whole life hearing the “Thatcher is the devil because she shut down the coal mines” narrative, and the second it’s convenient to the narrative, the same people will say “Pssshhh, coal jobs? That’s like...nothing. Who gives a shit, it’s not the 1800s.”

Keep in mind that the Engineer she encountered was 2,000 years behind on the latest news. The ones on their home planet could have a very different attitude towards a human visitor.

And all because your rule is that rules apply only to the other side. Shame.