Ape Tit for $400

No, it’s OBAMA’S family!

You HAD to put something about Trump in there.

They destroyed all of the hard drives in the IRS case. You know this. I know this. Everyone who takes 5 seconds to look into this knows this.

Big difference between “he’s a sack of trembling orange flesh because he’s ruining the country and flouting the law” and “grrr Obummer, that black guy”

I’ve mostly stopped reading Gizmodo over stuff like this. Not interested in propaganda with zero principles. Were the parties reversed, they’d be saying the opposite, and everyone here knows it.

Trumpety Trump Trump, am I right?!

You don’t get it. It’s not how *I* feel about it. It’s shoving it down the throats of people who wanted everyone to play make-believe on the issue of Hillary’s criminality. NOW YOU DON’T GET TO SAY ANYTHING ABOUT EMAILS.

The Bush emails were private RNC business, not government business. They were recovered almost 8 years ago.

Ok, well now the FBI can say no crime was committed with this.

Like the irony of pretending that this was nothing for the past year, and freaking about it now ?

You could make this argument in the other direction: When Hillary faces people punishment for it it, they will too. She’s in line first.

I can’t care about the hypocrisy of it more than I care about Hillary sending classified info through hers. Which happened, and everyone on the left said was a nothing burger.

“They will lose their jobs anyway. The NPS is going to be killed along with EPA.”

Good. Can you imagine if these were Republican employees bashing Obama in 2009? We’d be treated to stories about how the Klan had cells running the US government.

I love how they use “rich” as a pejorative. Unlike that pauper Hillary Clinton, their favorite.

Donald Trump truly is the only politician ever to say that he wants to give the government back to the people. Except for all of them.

This is how you’ll get two terms.

Wonder what it would have looked like if the little thug squads hadn’t been committing violence.

Seriously. Fuck them. Imagine Gizmodo’s tone if it was someone posting anti-Obama remarks.

Plus the traffic is a dream compared to many cities. The worst I’ve ever experienced there is a few minutes of slowdown. You can get anywhere in the metro area in about an hour tops if it isn’t rush hour. Comparable trip in LA would be an all-day affair.