Ape Tit for $400

And yet the next time a Muslim terrorist blows something up, I’m told not to jump to conclusions because Tim McVeigh.

The 90's called. They want their “____ called” snark comment back.

Except enviromentalist extremists do have a history of arson/sabotage, and Sasquatch has a history of not existing.

You can believe that story about the Bush head if you choose to do so. My answer is “Riiiiiiiiiight”. They just had a George Bush head “lying around”. Sure.

This is already way too far into hypotheticals than I wanted to get, but I’d say that if someone intentionally sabotaged the pipeline, and intentionally sabotaged the monitoring equipment, that’s on the person who did it and not the company.

Energy is cheap as dogshit fuckface.

Ok. We don’t need oil anymore. Go with that.

Again, let’s wait for the facts. Hypothetically, maybe someone intentionally damaged that equipment. Or maybe it just didn’t work as intented.

Wait...couldn’t it be both Queue and Cue? As in “Line em up” (Queue) or “It’s go time” (Cue)?


It wouldn’t be the first time environmentalists have sabotaged something.

If we’re going to treat everything that way, it’s going to be an ugly term or two for all of us. “Sure, what he said is right, but it’s Trump so instead of talking about the issue, let’s figure out negative motives he could have for saying this correct thing that our government really does need to address”.

As someone who isn’t exactly in love with Trump, I’d like to tell everyone that you need to maybe acknowledge when he is right about something once in awhile if you want to have credibility to criticize him later.

If only for the humor of it, I’d like to see the author’s thoughts on that one friend we have who swears he never starts it, yet ends up in a fight every time he goes out.

Oh, are you tired of this game now? Let me know when you’re ready for it to stop.

Still want to see Game of Thrones put Obama’s head on a pike and then hear your opinion about “Hissy fits”.

“Only a Sith deals in absolutes. Except in every other circumstance, where we have divided things into Light Side or Dark Side.”

Plus it sure as hell was anti-Big Government.

I have a feeling it’s only slightly larger than the group of people who were outraged over a black storm trooper, AKA “A 13 year old who commented on YouTube just to troll people”.

I can hardly blame them. If I were a senator, one of the first questions out of my mouth would probably be “Can I go to the space station?”.