Ape Tit for $400

You were mocking TBone45 and implying that what he said was just “I hate the Clintons”, when in fact he made a reasoned argument loaded with facts which you deliberately chose not to address.

I thought that might have been the case. Should have taken the ten seconds to check on it. Although the overall point stands.

I believe the gist was you hate the Clintons and China or something like that. Cool.

The fact that human spaceflight is, for most of us reading this, a noble endeavor, does not make the space shuttle the most wise way to conduct space flight. In hindsight, it objectively did not work out the way it was supposed to, by a long shot. It’s fair to say that many or most of the problems facing STS were

Bill Nelson as well. I’m sure that being a Florida Senator had nothing to do with it.

Gary Busey after a bee sting?

Dane Cook cosplay had me laughing like an idiot at my desk.

Not sure there’s evidence for trees having lived “millions” of years.

If nothing else, it’s the ultimate gateway drug. You can’t name me one addict who didn’t start on Dihydrogen Monoxide first.

Yes, bruh, that is how this works. Compounds X,Y,and Z are the ones in a substance which cause cancer. You remove coumpounds X,Y,and Z from the substance, you get to argue that it no longer contains the cancer causing compounds and should be safer. Is this something to be confirmed through scientific study? Yes.

And it’s certainly a chemical in Yoga Mats.

It’s based on the idea that most of the harmful substances from smoking are not present. So therefore, it’s safer. Ok...MOST LIKELY safer.

First it was cold brew coffee....a month later, I was smoking meth 5 times a day.

Inhalation of Dihydrogen Monoxide has killed millions.

We are way too knee-jerk about the word “nicotine”. Yes, it is the big bad wolf because it is addictive....BUT...we are mixing up the thing which makes cigarettes addictive with the thing which makes them dangerous. It is the COMBUSTION/SMOKE which causes emphysima and cancer, NOT THE NICOTINE.

That’s the opposite of the problem. Nicotine itself is not a big deal. The danger of smoking is from the smoke. You’re not getting cancer from nicotine.

It’s not hard to understand; it’s just that it’s a clever inversion of the idea.

It’s sort of the opposite. The toys are smashing the players.

All show, no go, bro. Roo’s got that New Jersey guido thing where his elbows “levitate” away from his body, like his muscles are too big to put his arms down.

Concerned or not, the danger to the dog was quite real. The kangaroo’s disembowling kick missed. If it hadn’t, this would not be such a playful video.