Ape Tit for $400

Don’t let facts get in the way of Obama’s Imaginary Presidency that we will all learn about for years to come.

And too bad our Super Awesome Totally Cool Preezy has no control over the Justice Department.

Obama is so totes against this, you guys. Which is why you haven’t heard him say shit against this thing...backed by THE EXECUTIVE BRANCH WHICH HE CONTROLS.

The article blames “The Justice Department”. Not “Loretta Lynch’s Justice Department” or “Barack Obama’s Justice Department”.

It’s truly amazing. This has been, and still is, BARACK OBAMA’S Justice Department for almost EIGHT YEARS now. But according to some of the commenters here, the blame is on the Republicans and Donald Trump, a man who currently has no control of the Justice Department and NEVER has.

Tell you what: As soon as Lois Lerner and Eric Holder see the inside of a jail cell for what they did with the IRS and subsequent coverup, I’ll give a flying fuck about this.

Please state the name of the Executive in charge of the Justice Department, who apparently is the force behind this. HINT: It is not Donald Trump.

“Anyone who doesn’t agree with exactly what I think and isn’t willing to make infinite excuses for any crime my party commits is a Nazi” was a really successful strategy, and it looks like they are gearing up to double down on it.

Having lived in both types of area, I can tell you that the “different ethnicities” thing can be highly overrated. Your average Brooklyn hipster may SEE a lot of people from different parts of the world, but only speaks to and associates with other white Brooklyn hipsters.They think they have a better handle on the

There are a hell of a lot of NYC suburbs within an hour or less.

Yeah I should have specified “normal” money. Not value in general. Remembering now that there were prominent bank scenes.

It’s kind of the “Oscar Pistorious legs” situation. Sooner or later the tech that people are using to replace their legs is going to work better than actual legs, and then we are going to have to change our thinking about who is operating at an advantage

Going to be HILLARIOUS watching people flip out about potential abuses of power that they said jack shit about for the last 8 years.

Barack Obama has controlled the Justice Department for almost 8 years. Donald Trump has controlled it for zero point zero seconds.

Interesting that, scrolling through the entire article and dozens of comments, the names “Barack Obama” and “Loretta Lynch” have not appeared. Yet here we are talking about “gun nuts”.

Does money matter when you have magic? I’m assuming this was answered in the novels.


I fail to see how this same stuff doesn’t happen in cities 24/7.

Stop calling it racism. Democrats have LOVED the idea of people voting along racial lines for long as it was coming from racial groups who voted as a block for them. Suddenly doing that (and doing it to a much smaller degree) is wrong. Ok, start with your own racial block constituencies.

Maybe the bash on suburbs held some legitimacy decades ago, when culture/technology had not broken down the barriers to such a degree, but what is so superior about paying 3 times as much money to live in a cramped apartment vs someone who has a nice ride and drives 35 minutes into town, instead walking/public