Ape Tit for $400

“Tribalism” is now pushed 1000 times more by the identity-politics left than by people in small towns.

“Ignorance, racism, intolerance”....sounds like you when discussing Trump voters.

I never read the Potter books, but do they ever address the idea that while the magically-abled had a massive advantage over the Muggles for thousands of years, technology was beginning to equal, and in some areas, surpass them, leaving those unknowledgable about the regualr world at a disadvantage?

If I had it to do again, I would have tried to get myself a scholarship to a boarding school for sure.

Why are you trying to pre-cog crime Trump for this when he has been the President for zero seconds, and this has already occured, under the current President?

Let’s use your logic. They did this during the last 8 years right? So until just now, Obama “allowed” it I guess.

He is “smart” reading for people just smart enough to know who he is, but not smart enough to know what he is.

Has nothing whatsoever to do with the point I made.

It’s too bad no other country makes cars besides the USA.

Sexual predator? Sorry, we need to get back the business of the American people. It’s time to move on.

Non-argument. Name calling.

Sorry I didn’t hear you through your Nixon mask. Because you suported Ultra-Nixon.

You’re a racist. You’re a fascist. You’re a communist. You’re a terrorist.

What principle? The principle of “Fuck principles, my side wins”. I didn’t want it to be that way. I tried so hard. But all I can conclude is that every Democrat I know was fine with that rule. So now that’s my rule.

In other words, you decided that getting the closest thing you could to your politics allowed you to look the other way on what she had done.

You seem to think I don’t know that I’m doing the same thing. Of course I am. That’s my whole point. It’s THEIR rules which will now be applied.

I’m being consistent: I offered consistency. In turn, I was told “Fuck you, it’s going to be partisan hack rules, and we win”. So sadly, that’s where we are. Partisanship....but you didn’t win.

It means people who were telling me it was ok when the Clintons do it don’t get to tell me it’s not ok when Trump does it, and in this case, when Trump hypothetically MIGHT do it in the future, as opposed to the Clintons who have gotten rich off selling their connection to the office and all that that brings.

Already up on

The fact that the Democrats had the balls to post that tweet complaining that Trump might use his position to advance his business interests says everything.