you have worms in your brain
you have worms in your brain
looking back, Nintendo really did get a little experimental in the GameCube era (giving Mario the waterpack in Sunshine, releasing the console with a Luigi-theme Ghostbusters spoof, making an american-developed first person Metroid, changing radically the artsyle of Zelda, doing the double drivers thing in Mario Kart,…
“What a strikingly explicit spectacle of millennial depravity!”
My water drinking has all but stopped. I used to constantly be drinking something at work, generally water or sparkling water, but it was at all times. For some reason doing that same work from my kitchen table, I am not remembering to drink, like at all. So I set a timer to remind myself to drink water.
This is an incredibly stupid way to distribute the money. My in-laws are absolutely livid. They made under 100K in 2018 and their 2019 taxes show that their AGI is $198,583 (yes, just $500 over the limit). Over 100K of that was due to a one time event that will never happen again. On top of that, my FIL lost his job…
Republicans want to help corporations because they hire the people who work and pay taxes to the government.
If we do have to choose, Lenin’s is better.
I discovered that invading untouched lands to pillage and abuse their natural resources (often in front of paceful villagers who can just stand there and watch) in order to feed a consummerist cycle is really fun. I get why white people can’t get enough of it IRL.
Fucking share buttons. They only exist to be accidentally pressed and annoyingly interrupt your games.
Its 99% a pride thing. Farmers are very proud of what they do, and for good reason. providing food to the nation is a very worthwhile endeavor. The problem comes along when politicians or corporations leverage that pride and begin convincing the farmers that they have their best interests, and anything bad that…
I dunno. I mean, when he says “you can’t buy personality” he’s definitely speaking from experience.
I mean, you’re not wrong, but walking onto stage in front of your investors with a rifle while the Old Yeller theme plays probably isn’t going to sell.
Those Ewoks were absolutely going to eat the heroes in Return of the Jedi before Threepio saved them.
Have you never had the opposite experience, where the cashier asks a question that starts a pleasant, possibly even informative little conversation? On balance, I find these brief interactions to skew slightly positive.
He does so under the name Kneel DeAsse Tightbuns
In case we needed proof that the gizmodo audience will bitch about anything, including free beer.
Fun fact: 50% of NASCAR fans are attracted to the sport because it gives them hope that they, too, will someday have the courage to make a left turn despite the ensuing condemnation and ridicule from their peers.
That scene 100% exists. It is entirely possible that it is only on the tv version.
Yes. The best are the people who insist it's always been spelled "definately. "