
Oddly not listed? “Aliens, Aliens.”

Workers everywhere toil daily for a pittance. Many work multiple jobs just to make ends meet. But no matter how hard they work, it’ll never be enough to be free. For those who do not own the means of production will never know real freedom. People peacefully protested but were met with violence. Those who own for a

Nice. If we have to deal with hyper-jingoistic garbage like Call of Duty every year, we can surely have a few outright leftist titles here and there.

not a kid 

SIDEBAR: The word “objectively” is getting a real workout in this thread! :D

I seriously would have laughed my ass off if this post had been empty.

Agreed. All of it.

From what I remember, wasn’t the idea that “Darth” is a title a retcon and originally Vader’s first name really was Darth? In episode IV, Obi Wan does call him Darth, rather than Vader (or even Annie, which he really should have done!). I mean, I could see someone making the case Obi Wan was just using the title to

No, Vader always has the low ground.

Ah, yes. I fondly remember Darth Millennial’s many battles with Jedi Master Boomer

“Hey, it’s not gonna suck itself off.

When Taika Watiti’s movie gets made, if the only white actors in the movie are aliens or droids that just seems right. My not-too-secret hope is that giving the highest-profile Maori director in the world this project means we might see Temuera Morrison again, because there’s at least a half-dozen characters I’d love

That is part of the misconception. 3.2 is not a physical connector. What you are thinking about is USB A, the larger rectangle port that we have been familiar with for years. USB Type A can run at USB2.0, USB3.1 and even USB 3.2. You will often seen USB Type A colored in Blue when it is running at 3.1 and 3.2

For a portion of the population, yes.

I get that it softens his message since he’s likely leaving with millions but you have to start somewhere. A VP taking this kind of stand does say something. This is the type of corporate management support people have been scrambling for.

Today is a made-up Star Wars holiday

Giz commeters: Upper management should support the hourlies so an Amazon VP takes a stand in support of the hourlies and quits his job over it.

It really would not surprise me if you see a ton of Marvel vets working on Star Wars projects, because they tend to understand how shared movie universes work. This is not something I think Kennedy gets. I’m not bashing her, but her previous experiences with franchise movies tended to be things like Indiana Jones and J

Sony every time.

I figured “Tom Gordon” was a random name they picked that sounded common and was going to make a joke about how he was a very fine pitcher for a long time but loving him was a bit much. Then it turns out it’s actually about the pitcher and now I am more interested.