See, if this was the article, I would’ve been much more interested. The article as it is, is an exercise in everything that makes the Left look bad and makes me feel bad for reading this blog at all.
See, if this was the article, I would’ve been much more interested. The article as it is, is an exercise in everything that makes the Left look bad and makes me feel bad for reading this blog at all.
It’s a metaphor, and it’s not great...
This seems... overblown. Even for Splinter. In the quote provided, he’s not really calling anyone slaves, just saying we’re a really divided nation like when we were so divided we had a civil war. It’s a metaphor, and it’s not great, but it’s not really wrong when you look at the rhetoric we see (especially from the…
You can join the team. I’ll protect you from onions and you protect me from poison ivy.
Definite oversight on the article, but I’ll help you out.
Listen man, we each need our own movie first, then the cross over. Gotta build fan excitement for our new Cinematic Universe.
I really want to know more about Matt. Why did he think Drew would be the best source for getting a goth girlfriend? Drew, the man with disgusting thumbs and an even worse sense of style, that’s the guy to figure out goth women.
You jest, but I legitimately don’t trust anyone over 65.
Yeah, the questions are pretty weak.
This is a side note, but no one in my family cries when cutting onions. For a long time, I thought it was a made up thing. But my current partner cannot get two cuts in without crying. It’s just bizarre.
Get money for something you can see for free on the internet?
I agree. But the far right is probably gonna snap her up to be another Tammy Larue (I honestly can’t remember her real name because she’s so inconsequential and the joke is too good) type. Spout nonsense then hide behind some bullshit when things get tough.
My girlfriend teaches a boy from El Salvador and he’s due to be deported this summer. He left to avoid being recruited into the gangs and will most certainly be killed when he goes back.
So, I get what you’re saying. But, if you flesh out your reasoning and apply it to another scandal: why did women keep working Hollywood? Were they complicit in all the sexual assaults?
As a PBS affiliate employee, we love what we do! Make sure your reps don’t shut us down though. An unfortunate refrain my boss has to make yearly.
Right, which is why we need laws regulating these industries. And again, it’s perfectly possible to have your investments not in these things.
If you took this as a script and made an ad for bananas with it, I’d buy bananas till the day I exploded from too much banana. Which I learned from my grandfather is possible.