
Anytime the nerdy, quiet, bullied kid gets to terrorize and kill all the popular fucks... I'm in. Can't wait.

"Propaganda"... Such a subjective term, kinda like "terrorism." For example, what would a rational, objective person call what takes place during the 7th-inning stretch of every Yankees home game?

But who would actually believe, beyond the initial reaction, that "a girl jsut magically appeared in the elevator?" I mean, yea, I would be terrified and shriek at first, but then laugh and figure that it's a prank... Then again, I don't believe in the supernatural/paranormal, so maybe that has something to do with

I really don't get how this would scare/bother a person after that initial second or two. I mean, unless you truly, deeply believe in paranormal/supernatural mumbo-jumbo, you know that this a prank and you're thinking/saying to yourself, "Sweet! how did y'all pull that off? Where's the secret door?"

Dunno. Someone wiring about completely vapid, useless things that don't actually produce anything useful for society... except more private wealth and power for (mostly) folks who don't need more private wealth and power. If everyone were paid a decent wage and workers had guaranteed pensions — as would happen in a

Ugh. Re: the Bugs Bunny/saw comment and the Florida hate... c'mon, y'all. Spend some time in places in Florida where there aren't any chodes or tourists or snowbirds (yes, such places, although difficult to find, do exist) and then tell me you just want to say "fuck it" and give up on the whole thing. I mean, there

"Personal Finance Writer," huh? And they call people on food assistance "parasites"...


Lucky Bamboo and mother-In-Law's Tongue. As long as you take care of 'em right (which basically means leaving them alone as much as possible), they'll keep livin'.

Other than vinegar, of course, what are the deets on all of these in terms of nasty triclosan or carcinogens or endocrine disruptors or whatever? Cuz I sure would like to de-stinkify my car, but preferably without fucking my health...

I took Aaron Hernandex with my 2nd pick - is that good? #newbie

What a shitshow that franchise is... Sweet Baby Jesus I'm glad I'm a Giants fan.

I'm sort of in this situation right now; this was helpful. Basically, I went to school (undergrad & MA) to study something I was passionate about and hoped to make a career out of. I happened to get work in that "field" and did that for 6 years... And then became completely and severely burned out, interests have

I see... It's very rare I feel that way about a book; I consider a book "well-loved" if it had underlining, notes, dog ears...

Even books you own? Cuz that's what I was talking about. I find it helps me stay engaged, make connections, etc...

Really? How do you write things down? And if you don't do that, how do you go through life? I'm not being facetious; your comment genuinely intrigued/puzzled me. I still use pen and paper plenty... (another example: don't you like to underline/write marginalia when you're reading?.... oh, wait, eReader, huh?)

Oh, and.... GET OFF MY LAWN!

Err, before 2011 or so, this was also known as "telling time." Seriously, my mind is blown by this whole article and the comments section... What's next, y'all can't do multiplication problems on paper either?

That's depressing. Sometimes I'm so glad I was born in 1980...

Wow. This is one of the more asinine, depressing things I've ever read on one of the Gawker sites... I mean, how old are you people?! Is this a generational thing? Telling time on a clock is no more difficult than tying a shoelace... "Can't multiply"?!?!? Holy Christ, you people don't learn timetables anymore either?