I yawn when I’m feeling especially stressed/anxious all the time. Also if I’m really cold.
I yawn when I’m feeling especially stressed/anxious all the time. Also if I’m really cold.
hOw dO wE PaY fOr jObS and HeAlThcArE aNd HumAn NeEd???
What?? The new law screwed me. I made about 60K last year. I got a $65 refund. Didn’t itemize anything because there’s no way it would have added up to more than the “standard deduction” of $12K. Or I guess this means I was paying just the right amount of taxes all along? This shit is confusing.
Awesome, I’ll just add this to the list of 14 other articles on what to do about procrastination that I swear I’ll get around to reading one of these days... :/
Yes, fuck people literally pushed into a last resort, traumatizing, life-threatening, harrowing experience that — if they’re lucky and actually survive the voyage and the desert and Border Patrol and ICE and vigilantes and outstanding American residents/citizens such as yourself — will result in them working shit jobs…
Americans are idiots.
I didn’t lose my virginity until I was 21, just mostly due to social anxiety, social awkwardness, introversion, shyness, not having many friends, having no fucking clue how to talk to women, not “going out” much, etc. So, yea, for like a good chunk of my teenage years and most of the first two years of my 20's I was…
“Shambles,” huh? lol... and the US is looking just great right now for working class people, immigrants, people of color, women, union members, the poor, folks who rely on social security and/or medicaid, people in the inner city, people in rural areas hit by the opiate crisis, and so on...
He already is. The lasting impact of the tax cuts, the Gorsuch appointment, the stacking of lower courts with insance rght-wing ideologues, another 4 (god forbid 8) years of exacerbating climate change, and, oh yea, making white supremacy and nativism mainstream and publicly acceptable again. The effects of this shit…
I’m like the opposite, sort of. Actually, take off and crusining along don’t bother me so much unless there’s the slightest amount of TURBULENCE OR SHAKING OR MOVING AROUND WEIRDLY and then I freak out. But when they start the descent and you feel/hear the engines get weaker and the plane start to go down, I suddenly…
Heyyyy, “the Democrats” and “the left” are two pretty different things...
Gotta disagree with the placement of 25th Hour. Maybe it’s a NY thing but it needs to be much higher on the list. The mirror soliloquy scene contrasted with the ride through the city on the way to prison; the whole “what if” thing that happens at the end that turns out to have not happened, 9/11 as somehow an…
Can anyone point to a single example (outside of the Civil War or WWII, and with each of those it’s highly debatable/complicated) where actions by the US military had anyone’s freedom — American or otherwise — as its actual purpose/intent/outcome? I’ll wait.
Esiason and Carton are so f’n reactionary. They’re huge Trump types, huge “white working class with economic anxiety, wink wink” types. It’s like having two Imuses whose racism and backwardness is somewhat hiden behind a veneer of sportsy-ness. Fuck ‘em.
I live in Florida. Got another 2-3 months of summer coming up. 8-)
lol, “discriminatory and oppressive practices?” Against white dudes? I don’t think those words mean what you think they mean.
So... I don’t know a ton about cars. At my last oil change at one of those drive-thru regional chain places (I know...), I let them convince me (again, I know. ugh...) to use “high-mileage” oil in my 2013 Hyundai Elantra with about 96K miles on it, which (surprise!) made the oil change really expensive. Couple…