
Made that switch myself a couple ears ago, I'm loving LibreOffice. There's really no noticeable differences but I find that I have less hangups/crashes with Libre. And the whole "gets more updates" thing is nice too.

Shit, I've been using Open/Libre for about 5-6 years; haven't missed Microsoft one bit.

No!!! I don't wanna get one of those little "Air" things...

Sweet, thanks.

Question: Do any of these track, for example, how much Omega 3 you're getting each day? I'm trying to hit a certain threshold to help with depression and triglycerides, and it would be great if that was a built-in feature. I'm sure there would be similar uses for lots of folks concerning certain "micronutrients," for

Hahaha... at least you caught it, sir. At least you caught it.


WTF? Get that English shite out of here... how come everybody else gets the label in their own language but Ireland doesn't?!

Move, stupid red-triangle-in-circle-thing... MOVE!

Damn, no love.... I mean, it's slightly OT, but damn... :p

What?! What kind of jobs do y'all have where you have enough disposable income just laying around to take vacations, and YOU GET TO DECIDE WHEN to take said vacation?? Hook a brother up!

Oh shit, it's Ira Flatow from Science Friday!

Now if only there were a way to overcome extreme fear and avoidance of touching or getting anything even close to one's eyes... I would finally be able to ditch these coke-bottle lenses that have plagued me my whole life and get contacts or lasik :( ....

Haha... I *have* to do this, or else I'm not making the call. Extreme introversion = I *hate* talking on the phone, and I'm not good at it. Without notes going in, I jsut kind of freeze up and can't think of anything to say.

Shouldn't all of them be called "Who the Fuck Cares?" Seriously, how is hockey still around?

Guy in the blue shirt voted for Le Pen.

Ugh. Fuck this country.

Yea, actually, come to think of it, "Battle Hymn" ain't all that bad. Even better when it's in the form of "John Brown's Body" or "Solidarity Forever"...