
Okay, guys; I think we all realize that this means WAR.

@yummygrubs: It's not a sweater; his skin is naturally checker-patterned and wool-like!

@PLAAND88: Miyamoto IS the mountain

@Zolbrod: I think they are referring to the book that you have to use in conjunction with the game.

@undefined: Remember, gamers: the power... is YOURS!!!

@TOPolk: Isn't it obvious? Fahey's secretly training him to become a vampire hunter!

@RStormgull: ...And lo, much lulz were hadeth by all. Ramen.

@Falsoman: Pandas: they're awesome 'cause they're Black, White, AND Asian!

I came here expecting Watchmen jokes.

@oldbenway: Astounding alliteration, Batman!

@ajay42: Guest-starring Colonel Mustard!!!

@ThursdayNext: And verily, much lulz were hadeth by all forevermore. Ramen.


Game Theory Linky Tiem, YAY!!!

@Narishma: If developers DID decide to ignore piracy, it [piracy] would increase astronomically, because pirates would realize that they wouldn't get caught! Both devs AND publishers, as a result, would make less and less profit as more and more people got pirated versions of their products, instead of paying for the

I actually subbed this story to [] right after I saw it on my local news last night. I didn't think it would spread this fast! Well, then again, this IS the Internet. :D