Common Annapurna W, they have such a great eye for games to publish.
Common Annapurna W, they have such a great eye for games to publish.
Over 4 months late to the party ,but I also felt that way about Outer Wilds too. IMO, it’s the only game that’s come close to replicating not only the sense of wonder I felt playing Riven, but also the way in which the puzzles, story, and world are so thoroughly interwoven.
I’m not going to put much stock in the opinion of a person that has an inexplicably Godzilla-dwarfing hateboner for Myst.
A humble suggestion to Zack Zwiezen:
Baneposting is has been going on for over a decade now. How do so many people not recognize lines from the opening scene of a decade-old, major Hollywood blockbuster superhero film that made just over a billion dollars at the box office?
Assuming everyone of a particular gender and skin color has the exact same familial and financial background, life experiences, personality, and character is extremely bigoted.
God forbid the new chief creative officer of a French company - with a French HQ run by French people that speak French - be a French-speaking French person of French heritage living in France who has 2 decades’ worth of experience within the French company under their belt.
Incoming scatter-brained semi-rant. All responses welcome.
Video games are art, and should be defended no matter how taboo the themes they explore may be - unless they come to conclusions I don’t agree with, in which case video games need to be scrubbed of this filth and the creators intensely and personally shamed for even touching on such forbidden ideas.
The energy emanating from this image is massive.
Not be a bottom to China?
“Stand down, children. You can still see fart jokes on Nickelodeon” - General, ‘South Park: Bigger, Longer, and Uncut’ (1999)
Hot take: This entire shitshow proves how mentally challenged the “It’s not censorship when businesses do it” mentality really is.
Goddamn Serenia in Myst 4.
Per Jerykk:
“Boy, there sure have been an awful lot of articles on the internet over the past decade explaining why Steam is a monopoly.”
Oooorrr don’t let a 6-year-old play M-rated games?