I love how the whole event was TWEWY-themed!
I love how the whole event was TWEWY-themed!
@AntiZERØ: The sole reason that Psychonauts is on the Xbox360 backwards-compatible list is the massive email campaign organized by Schafer himself, which is AWESOME.
Crochety old people? In MY America??? It's more common than you think.
I'll bet all my Internets that the zombie is Ashley; after all, we're never shown in RE4 that her Plagas truly disintegrated, unlike with Leon.
TWEWY and Castlevania - Proof that 2D is alive and kicking ass!
He still doesn't get it...
Mr. Iwata, this idea may sound crazy, but I have a hunch that it JUUUSSST might work!
If the game plays in 2.5D side-scrolling similar to Sonic Unleashed, I see TONS of gameplay potential using the swordplay aspect in conjunction with the motion control. Think about it...
@Cragen: This.
I think it's time we return to Nintendo's licensee system from the 80s and early 90s: only paying licensees able to make games for the consoles, and only so many games released per licensee each year.
I can see it now...
@NoBullet: Sadness: 2nd best game EVAR!!!1!!1
To all of you whining about these stats only representing the playing habits of tech-literate Wii owners, this isn't necessarily a bad thing! Consider this:
Sweet! An excuse to share my collection of video game academia sites!
Wow... even THQ is making better stuff than Ubisoft! o_0
This is eerily akin to how my high school's mostly - caucasian Drama Team decided to perform "The Wiz". I mean, a white version of a black version of a movie based on a white book?
I think all this REALLY started in the early 1990s when the US Government accused Nintendo of using its 10NES lockout chip and its strict licensee guidelines to maintain a monopoly over the videogame industry. Nintendo originally put those measures into place to, GASP, keep their systems from being flodded with crappy…
@CyricZ: Um, didn't that happen when CNET bought GameFAQs? :-P
It's fake. Why? There's a spelling error where "Chozo Blood Rights" pops up on the screen; it should be "Chozo Blood RITES".
I wish people would just send their comments directly to the developers instead of posting them on a blog that the developers most likely don't pay attention to.