
Settlers of Catan is one of those wonderful games that rewards people who decide that “playing like an a-hole” is how they approach board games with friends.

Pandemic should be much further up the list and, while I’ve only played it once, Betrayal at House on the Hill is outstanding fun.

All 30 teams play on Thursday and Saturday, but 12 get the day off on Friday and six don’t play on Sunday. I didn’t check to see if there’s any overlap between the teams who don’t play on Friday and those who don’t play on Sunday (because that’s, you know, work), but I’m guessing there isn’t.

Ignore the monuments being blown up. Ignore then fighter pilot turning into a cheerleader. The craziest part of that promo was how many times they show Lions players (and in a positive way! Not just Lions cornerbacks getting burned for touchdowns!)

The Big Scumdamental

Technically, if you go directly to Jail, you specifically DON’T pass Go.

She ruins everything!

UghNot isn’t calling the wife an un-supportive nag. He said that OoT is painting her that way. I think, as others have said, it’s pretty clear that OoT actually wants out but he’s basically incapable of supporting himself (or at least he hasn’t been capable in the past), and he’s so immature that he can’t admit that

I don’t think that the beginning of Up is necessarily sadder, but there’s something much more poignant and wistful about it because their dreams don’t really get shattered (except the “not being able to have kids” part, which is the exact opposite of the feel good movie of the summer).

The fact that these are made in China is really too perfect.

Hmmm I wonder why that could possibly be...

Did the right fielder just not show up for the game today? I was wondering how a guy could score from first on a ball thrown into the outfield, but it made more sense when I found out that Pittsburgh, always trying to save some money, thought they could just play two outfielders and call it good.

As long as they don’t disrespect mah Lettah Opener of Death, I’m OK.

A better analogy would be me inviting you over to my house and then taking a dump in the chair you’re about to sit in. And there are no other chairs. And I then force you to sit down.

Embiid’s 20 points in significantly less minutes

He’s talking about the new stadium that the Wings and Pistons will play in starting this fall.

I’m sure someone more capable than me could link to a picture of Andre the Giant (whose alcohol tolerance was legendary) holding a can of beer. The problem is that, if he’s holding just one can, you probably can’t see it.

*does quick calculation*

As always, it’s not the crime, it’s the cover up that’s the problem.

Ok, now try staring into his brown eye and tell me he ISN’T scary.

To be fair, that’s not much of a plot twist. It seems the louder someone rails against something, the more likely they are to be railing against themselves.