In Soviet Russia, fists Uwe Boll you.
In Soviet Russia, fists Uwe Boll you.
I saw Jesus Christ Superstar a couple of months ago, which was the first non-community live theater I had seen in a LONG time. When “I Don’t Know How to Love Him” started, the woman next to me started singing along, but really, really quietly.
What are these live-action remakes for but to update elements of these stories that went by unscrutinized in less enlightened times?
You say “bloody”, but I think they were pretty hairy.
Marketing department engages in marketing. Film at 11.
Personally, I find that I just don’t like playing games on the PC if they were originally designed as tabletop games (or maybe it’s just if I initially played them as tabletop games).
So....nothing like risk at all, then? (I know what you mean but, man, Risk sucks on every possible level).
Yeah, my first thought was that Wingspan (or one of the expansions) took the top spot.
Without any context whatsoever, I would assume it’s an accent thing. BLAN-chett CATE sounds normal while CATE blan-CHETT would sound weird.
Sure, but you have to look at all of the underlying statistics before jumping to any conclusions.
One of my favorite Carlin memories was only Carlin-adjacent. Back in the early-ish 80's, my dad got HBO and, clearly having seen Carlin only on the Tonight Show, gleefully gathered me, my brother, and my sister (who was only 7 or 8 at the time) together to watch Carlin’s special.
You are thinking of the Wachowski siblings, who directed the Matrix movies.
And, unless I am mistaken (always a possibility), the plural of “they” is “they”. Sort of like “deer” is the plural of “deer”.
My parents divorced when I was young and, approximately 15-20 years later both of them remarried (to wonderful people, so it’s all worked out pretty well). My dad and stepmom had a plaque that someone gave them which said something like “A successful marriage is less about finding the right person and more about being…
It says “Saturday Night Social”, but there is no post from Krispy Porkchops with many pictures of adorable kittehs.
Dominos is giving you a $3 coupon that you have to redeem in the next seven days. It has nothing to do with what they’re paying their delivery drivers, it’s just an attempt to get quick turnaround business.
Dominos is giving you a $3 coupon that you have to redeem in the next seven days. It has nothing to do with what they’re paying their delivery drivers, it’s just an attempt to get quick turnaround business.
Contributing to an opioid epidemic that has devastated our communities and taken too many lives, you say?
This is the aquatic version of The Giving Tree.
You got to call out Stephen Miller and get a 12-hour reprieve from Twitter?