
Uh, I’ll take it. Write up a deed for you and everything.

Bravo to you for that last sentence sir. I think I like it even better since you didn’t capitalize the key words.

I have lots of friends. Huge amount. Really, the best friends.

There is a huge difference between being alone and being lonely.

Forbidden Island was designed by the same guy who designed Pandemic (Matt Leacock), so it makes sense that it would be pretty great.

As someone stated ealier, Pandemic is an awesome solo game that is also really fun with others. I would strongly recommend getting the first expansion pack as well, as that allows you to make the game much more difficult (if you want) and adds some really interesting features.

I literally laughed out loud multiple times while reading that. Often because of something Stern said.

Well, at least he’s honest. He’s claiming that they will win a series this year.

Auriemma isn’t a recruiter at all. He doesn’t have to be.

Steve Martin did a bit where he basically compared smoking to farting. (“mind if I smoke?” “no, no, do you mind if I fart?”)

The first little piggy could have built a whole subdivision out of your comment.

No can do.

Not that most people would have remembered it anyways, but a similar situation was when Austin Jackson made an over-the-shoulder catch after running practically from second base to preserve Galarraga’s perfect game (that wasn’t a perfect game because Jim Joyce blew the call on the 27th out).

Twice in the past month I’ve accidentally called the wrong 800 number and was asked if I wanted to “complete a survey” for a chance to win a free cruise. Amazingly enough, both times I completed the surey and, against ALL ODDS, I did in fact win the free cruise.

If you’re using a washboard, that is not folk music.

Hey, that’s ‘jbud’ to you, good sir.

This list is invalid. Win #162 would obviously be at the top of the list.

Man, based on the top pic, Clubber Lang has lost a lot of weight.

Well, at least your story has a happy ending.

Honestly, the level of hubris and bragging in this thread is getting a little tiresome.