That was my favorite part of the trailer as well. Or at least the part that made me smile the most.
That was my favorite part of the trailer as well. Or at least the part that made me smile the most.
If only there were some way to avoid a hangover. But, man, those things are just suddenly THERE!
I never saw DOWC: The Punk Years, but The Metal Years was an amazing documentary. The part when they were interviewing the guitarist from WASP (he was wasted in the swimming pool while his mom was right there trying not to lose it) was incredibly well done.
Exactly! When people talk about a marathon they even CALL it a race!
Yeah, I’m great at Rock Band. Drums AND guitar*. There are literally thousands, maybe meeellions of people better at soccer than thes whippersnappers.
Looking at Ozzie Smith’s wiki page (to see if he had some connection to SC, which he doesn’t). I found a couple of gems.
Not only is it an Andre Dawson jersey, but last year’s top seller in SC was Ozzie Smith. Did he go to college there or something?
Reggie White was pretty dominant for the Eagles before signing with Green Bay.
Whenever it is that he’s no longer able to do the sideline reporting (and hopefully it’s a long time away), they should just not have a sideline reporter for TNT games. Particularly for games where the Spurs are playing (unless Pop has retired by then as well).
See! Women ALWAYS go to the bathroom in groups!
Since it’s clear that Phil Jackson also has some bad ideas about basketball (e.g. jam the triangle down everyone’s throat regardless of whether you have the personnel/coaching for it), I wouldn’t be too confident that he’d recognize Rambis’ bad basketball ideas as something to be avoided.
I’m not sure if that’s an intentional typo or not but, either way, it amused me.
The only job where I had to pass a drug test was when I was hired in as a contractor working a tech support job for a company that had a Department of Defense contract. I also had to get security clearance, so I guess they were just being extra careful.
Yeah, The The had a poster in a Tower Records I used to walk by on my way to work back in the mid-90s. I had never heard of them before and never heard of them after, but, for that summer, I was reminded of them every day.
So...just like the updated Soldier Field?
Thundershift 500 was the best.
It has not improved. I remember, as a kid, thinking that Ponderosa was awesome. When I went to it as an adult, it tasted just like OCB, which is not a compliment.
Really, shouldn’t the kind of striker they want be at least utopian or divine?
Did you kill his father? Are you prepared?
Hey! The man went to the University of Kentucky!