No, I think it’s more of a “I thought he was good enough to be in the HOF when he was alive, but I didn’t want to give him the satisfaction because he wasn’t nice to me.”
No, I think it’s more of a “I thought he was good enough to be in the HOF when he was alive, but I didn’t want to give him the satisfaction because he wasn’t nice to me.”
Hey, if Billy Dee Williams plays you in what is basically a Lifetime for Men movie, you’re going to get in the Hall of Fame.
*Channel17 gets body-slammed by an ROUS*
You guys got behind me in a way that made me feel like I was more than just me. And for that, I’m grateful.
I don’t think those really exist.
Starred for the last four words. Well done, sir.
Mongo hates #156 on your list because he only pawn in that game.
Man, I thought it was Not Me the whole time.
Shaughnessy mentioning you as a source of inspiration is character assassination of the worst kind.
Do your road attendance figures remove the noise that results from the Sixers not having to play themselves on the road?
He stands 6'5". 6'9" with the afro.
He was just channeling Teddy KGB.
It does the same thing for homemade chocolate chip cookies as well. Put the cookies (along with a slice of bread) in a ziploc bag and the cookies will stay soft for at least a week (at which point you really should have finished off all the cookies. What are you, on a diet?)
I know everyone says that they start to feel old when sports stars are younger than them, but this kid is younger than my son.
Obama is an excellent driver. But only on the driveway. Definitely, only on the driveway on Sundays.
Man, that’s col’, son.
Wow, look at Mr. FancyPants McRichman over here with the sausage! Polish, even!
15 years ago I told my brother that Verne Lundquist was comfort food. He didn’t have to be a good announcer because his voice conjured up memories of being a kid and watching Saturday afternoon football. Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside even though he is objectively not good at the technical aspects of being an…
This is so true. The older I get, the easier it is to realize that some people aren’t worth it. Not that they’re worthless people, but, if I have to work that hard to keep a friendship going, that’s time that would be better spent doing almost anything else.
Did this on the trips from Massachusetts to Michigan. 11 hours and the only time we stopped was for gas. Let the kids out to use the bathroom. Back in the car, kids fall asleep and we’re on our way again.