Wait a minute. Is that a psuedonym or is there really someone at TSN named Bob McKenzie?
Wait a minute. Is that a psuedonym or is there really someone at TSN named Bob McKenzie?
just blow the thing up and air a full mites-on-ice game instead.
I had a friend whose dad would, upon receiving the check, yell out $600?!?!? every. single. time.
Frankly, the only reason I want children one day is so I can fully embrace being the lamest dad ever.
Those are not mutually exclusive viewpoints.
Oh, look who’s all fancy with their AMERICAN cheese. All we got was the “cheese” that the gubmint gave out and we were happy to get it.
Yeah, but they would have been favored!
Fontes was a clown. Anybody who watched the NFL (granted, that may not include the GMs/owners of several NFL teams) would have realized that the reason that the Lions won most of the games when he was coach was because his coaching career lined up almost perfectly with Barry Sanders’ career.
There shall be goals in our time!
I think that word means EXACTLY what you think it means.
Your comment is so full of fallacies (likely intentional) that it almost seems foolish of me to respond, since you’re obviously not interested in a serious discussion, but I guess I’m feeling like a glutton for punishment today.
The problem is that, when these emails get posted, we are supposed to empathize with the writers of said emails. To feel good about the revenge that they dished out. Most of these emails describe events that make me feel good about the server because they did something that either I would have done or wished I would…
To paraphrase Linda Richmond:
Makes me want to go get my gun...
What? No love for Jim Anchower? I know it’s been a long time since he rapped at ya’, but still....
Everybody’s a rittle bit lacist!
How is calling it “pop” twee?
Well, as long as there’s still the sex and drugs, I can do without the rock ‘n’ roll.
What kind of joke is about one person who walks into a bar?
Man, that font. My first guess as to the name of the third star in the movie was Abra Cadabra.