Mr. Moxwell

Articles like these are not helping, they just push moderates further right.

This’ll get me some flack because I’m seeing something other than how his words were (stupidly) structured, but I think he meant to include everyone in his statement about “ordinary Americans.” He tends to speak out against the millionaires, who are not ordinary, and he tends to contrast them with the rest of us who

Even if Kelly were correct (and let’s be clear he is incredibly wrong), it’s still an insanely racist argument. It assumes that the Civil War SHOULDN’T have been fought and the South should have been allowed to maintain slavery.

This makes me so furious because I have more than just a little knowledge about the Civil War. I know that Robert E. Lee was a brilliant general. I know that Robert E. Lee attended West Point Military Academy with Ulysses S. Grant and that they were friends. I also know that Robert E. Lee chose to commit treason

Fun Fact: this country was founded on compromises regarding slavery, and that’s what led to the Civil War.

OMG I missed that how fucking dare she

NO. Betsy DeVos DOES NOT get to be Ms. Frizzle!!!!

That’s actually worth saluting

“LGBT persons calling him out of this are being a bit disingenuous. ”


Now playing

May I present Hugh Grant, actual Yugoslavian princess Catherine Oxenberg, and future Doctor Peter Capaldi hamming it up in the Lair of the White Worm? Features Amanda Donohoe as one of the slinkiest femmes fatale of all time.

Not wanting to be around Ivy-League grads is perfectly normal and almost always justified.

The cultural idea of the white, male, Ivy-educated writer of towering intellect is so fucking poisonous - the dudes who embody it almost always turn out to be frauds who are absolutely horrible to women and people of color. And maybe I’m just speaking for myself here, but I went to a good-but-not-elite college and

I dunno, I liked Lords of Salem quite a bit (the psychedelic freakout at the end was well worth the slow build) and I thought 31 was a lot of fun. I’ve spent Zombie’s entire career wanting to LOVE one of his movies, but just haven’t gotten there yet. I think he’s capable of a masterpiece. The foundation is there, he

No he didnt. He put his life on the line for money. He was a merc with a flag on his shoulder.

So anybody who serves in the military deserves our respect? Fuck that shit, the military is just a big propaganda machine, it literally keeps the country going economically, there’s a reason over half the federal budget it spent on the military, then they turn around and tell us citizens be thankful for the people who

Universal darkened their logo before Tod Browning’s Freaks because they were ashamed of the work. Compared to that, this is proportionate.

Gen. Kelly, however, consistently proves he is not some guiding moral force in a demonstratively amoral White House.

There was a lot of quiet talk about this when he was at DHS. That he wasn’t the “adult” and embraced hateful far-right views. But it got buried under hagiographic talk about him.

Okay, so ... let me see if I have this straight.