Tom King is the best thing that’s happened to DC comics in a very long time
Tom King is the best thing that’s happened to DC comics in a very long time
“We also indignantly rise in anger at being compared to the likes of Lindsey Graham”. - The World Wide Guild of Professional Toadies and Lickspittles
I think you should apologize, Sean. There is no excuse for such insulting comparisons to the noble weasel. They are perfectly decent animals, and deserve better.
Tom King is the best thing that’s happened to DC in a very long time. Him, along with Tomasi, Gleason and Tynion, have revitalized the Batman/Superman relationship back from the dreck the New 52 put it in, and I could not be more thankful.
I don’t think Tillerson is as sane as you think he is.
Lake WobeGTFO!
There is a man right now standing in line at a place where he is waiting to get a quick meal, perhaps. Or maybe a…
Yeah, like it’s 1000% not the point (and is maybe actually contrary to the point, because the point is that this kind of shit happens *everywhere*, not just with people we don’t like) but GOD I FUCKING HATE GARRISON FUCKING KEILLOR AND HIS WHOLE MISERABLE SMARMY AESTHETIC SO FUCKING MUCH GAAAAAAAH!
Bitcoin isn’t real?
No, we wouldn’t. And if you don’t like the articles, feel free to not be here anymore.
I hope that Doug Jones pulls this off.
This is utter fucking nonsense.
Yes, it’s Breanna’s fault that John can’t act professionally.
DTRT had EVERYBODY thinking and that soundtrack....Baby!
Do The Right Thing is one of the few movies to challenge me effectively as a viewer. When it was over, I had to take a LONG walk to think about what I’d just seen. A fucking masterpiece
When asked whether there is any way that Harvey Weinstein and Kevin Spacey can be forgiven, Bryan Cranston says, “We should let that open... Let’s leave it open for the few who can make it through that gauntlet of trouble and who have reclaimed their life and their dignity and their respect for others. Maybe it’s…
11. Created a burner account so he could comment on The Root.