Mr. Moxwell

There’s zero reason to attack Feig in order to praise Stranger Things other than still being bitter Ghostbuster was redone with a female cast. And Ivan Reitman made a crap film too. It was called Ghostbusters 2. It’s sexism. It was before the movie came out, it was when the movie was in release and it is now.

Shaun and Ed having a pint in Edinburgh.

“I knew he was ... a womanizer.”


This might be embarrassing; your caps lock was stuck during your whole last paragraph.

I don’t miss him.

You enjoyed yourself.

I will repeat this every week until everyone accepts the following as a self-evident truth:

Now playing

Purple rain is great. It was obviously of its time so of course seeing it now for the first time won’t hold up to what the people who were raised on it hype it up to be. I saw it last year in theaters after Prince passed away and it was an EVENT! People were howling when he was grinding on things, dancing in the

I love that book so much.

Doctor 13's skepticism is so strong, he’s been shown to be resistant to magic.

Are you kidding me? Get out of here with that bullshit. I can guarantee you it’s not the only experience like this they’ve had, and their careers would have been ruined had they gone public with it. Fuck you and fuck everyone else whose first thought in the face of blatant systemic exploitation of human beings is

So, because you don’t feel you have enough control, you choose to lose the little you have?

And that’s why I decided to not bother helping, and just complain about my options!

And there you have the problem with “ironic racism.” You may be intending to make fun of “actual racists,” but to the person on the receiving end of your comments, it can be no different than if they’d gotten those same comments from an actual redneck. I mean, honestly, what is the difference? Whether you’re mocking

I’m honestly not sure what on earth their strategy for success is at this point, because there’s been a multi-year series of self-inflicted wounds resulting in losses against an increasingly openly pro-corporate, pro-authoritarian Republican party. The main line in the sand Democrats have been able to draw is that

Nothing says “We’re listening to everyone’s concerns about recent leadership decisions” like a purge.

At this point the D in DNC really needs to change to dysfunctional.

This never fails to get a laugh from me

If that picture was any whiter, it’d be the Oscars.